7 Reasons Why Chihuahuas Bring You Things!

Reasons Why Chihuahuas Bring You Things

Chihuahuas are so cute! They have these adorable little faces, and they can’t help but show their love for you. But what are the reasons why Chihuahuas bring things to you? Is it because they want something in return? Or is it just because of the excitement of seeing you?

Yes, the reason Chihuahuas bring you things may be that they want something in return. But usually, they are just excited to see you and want to show you some of their favorite things!

Chihuahuas don’t always know what’s best for them. That’s why this post will explore seven possible explanations as to why your furry friend might be bringing home gifts from the outside world.

Is It Normal For Chihuahuas To Bring You Things?

Yes, it’s perfectly normal for your Chihuahua to bring you things from outside. Many Chihuahuas will do this to show their affection for you!

There are many reasons your Chihuahua might bring home items from the outside world. Some explanations include that your Chihuahua wants your attention. Or it is trying to please you and might do that due to boredom.

Whether it’s a new toy for them to play with or some random piece of trash they found on the street, there are many reasons why your Chihuahua might be bringing things home.

7 Reasons Why Do Chihuahuas Bring You Things

Now, let’s explore some of the top reasons Chihuahuas bring you things.


Many Chihuahuas will bring you things simply because they are excited to see you. They may be so happy to see you that they can’t help but share their favorite things with you!

Because Chihuahua Trusts You

Some Chihuahuas may start bringing home items as a way of showing that they trust you. If your Chihuahua feels like it can trust you, it may begin to bring home things as a sign of that trust.

Your Chihuahua trusts you and loves to play with you, so they might want to show off their favorite toy or other items for you two to bond over!

Invitation For Playing

Your Chihuahua might bring you things because they want to play with you! Maybe your furry friend found a ball or other item outside and wants to show their favorite toy off so that you can join in on the fun!

Chihuahuas are playful little creatures, and some of them may bring you things as an invitation to play!

Show You Its Things

Showing off might not always confine within the human population. You might wonder if dogs do the same thing.

Well, Chihuahuas do show off their items in front of others. But only with a select few people they trust and feel comfortable around.

Chihuahuas are very proud of their things. So if your Chihuahua has found something it loves, it might bring that thing home to show you!


Chihuahua may also bring you things because it is bored or lonely at home by itself. It is always exciting for a Chihuahua when its owner comes home. But, it might take upbringing you things like activity when it has nothing else to do. If you give them toys like chew toyssqueaky balls, etc. they might stop bringing you things.

For Attention

Now, attention seekers are everywhere, and your dog is not that far behind. They do ask for attention more than any human being. So, your Chihuahua may bring you things to get some of your attention.

To Please You

Does this sound familiar? If I do something for my human parent, they will surely love me more! Well, dogs might think the same way as well.

Your Chihuahua wants to please you and make you happy! So by bringing you things, your Chihuahua thinks it is doing something good.

Things That Your Chihuahuas Might Bring Home

Starting a collection of the things your dog brings home might end up giving you a whole new Halloween garage sale. So here are some ideas of things that your Chihuahua might bring home: half-chewed sticks, dead mice and birds, sand from the park or beach, pieces of trash such as plastic bags and aluminum cans.

What To Do With Things Chihuahuas Bring?

Now that you know why your Chihuahua brings you things, what should you do with those things?

Well, it depends on the item. If it is something dangerous or valuable, you might want to keep it away from your Chihuahua. But, on the other hand, if it is something that you and your Chihuahua wish to keep, then put them somewhere safe until they can be displayed.

How Do Chihuahuas Show Affection?

Dogs show affection in several ways, including wagging their tails, licking their face, and bringing you things. Chihuahuas often bring items to their favorite people as a way of showing love and affection.

Have you had Chihuahua put their paw on you? Well, my friend, these chihuahuas have subtle ways of showing love, and placing a paw is a simple one of them.

Do Chihuahuas Have A Favorite Person?

Just like humans, dogs have friends and family members that they are closer to than others. For many Chihuahuas, their favorite person is their owner. Chihuahuas often look to their owners for guidance, love, and attention. They want to please you and make you happy, which is why they might bring you things.

When a Chihuahua brings its owner a toy or some other type of gift, it is the dog’s way of saying “I love you.” Chihuahuas often have a strong bond with their owners and like to do everything they can to make them happy.

Do Chihuahuas Get Sad?

Just like people, dogs experience sadness and loneliness. However, when a Chihuahua is sad, it might not bring its owner anything. Instead, Chihuahuas might curl up in a ball, avoid people, or stop eating.

If your Chihuahua is sad, be sure to spend time with them and give them lots of love. Let them know that you still love them, even when they feel down.


Now that we answered the question Why Do Chihuahuas Bring You Things? We hope this information has been helpful for you! Thank you for reading our blog post!

So now you know the reasons why Chihuahuas often bring their favorite people things. Do you have any other questions about the reasons behind this behavior? If so, leave them in the comments below!

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