11 Reasons Chihuahua Does Not Like Swimming

Reasons Your Chihuahua Does Not Like Swimming

Chihuahuas are adorable little dogs that can be very loyal to their owners. However, they are also known for not liking the water, which is a complete mystery considering they are from Mexico! So what is it about these small dogs that make them dislike swimming? Why does your Chihuahua not like swimming?

I think it has to do with the natural habitat of this dog. Chihuahuas are bred to live in dry arid deserts, so for them to be near or on wet ground is foreign and not pleasing at all. They don’t usually experience wet ground. So, being close to or on the damp ground can be pretty uncomfortable because it’s different from their natural habitat.

There are many theories about why your Chihuahua does not like swimming, but this article will hopefully answer all of your questions.

Is It Normal For Chihuahua Not To Like Swimming?

The answer to this question is yes. Although it’s widespread for Chihuahuas not to like swimming, that doesn’t mean it isn’t a problem!

Your dog or most other dogs do not prefer water as much as you think. That is also one of the reasons why you need to prepare Chi to bathe beforehand.

I guess it has something to do with their natural instinct. But if you train your dog well enough, they will not only start to prefer water but also go to lengths to convince you to take them swimming so often.

Why Does Your Chihuahua Not Like Swimming?

Well, the main reason is that they are not built for swimming. Chihuahuas have very tiny airways, which cause them to choke on the water quickly, and their legs are too short to swim!

Chihuahuas do not like swimming because they feel uncomfortable in wet areas since it’s different from their natural habitat. Unfortunately, this means that they can drown quite quickly if left unsupervised.

There are a few reasons why your Chihuahua may not like swimming. Some of them include the fact that their legs are too short, they have tiny airways, which makes it difficult for them to breathe, and they aren’t bred for swimming in the first place!

It may be because their legs are too short, making swimming difficult. Or perhaps they have tiny airways making breathing hard in the water.

Another reason could be that Chihuahuas aren’t bred for swimming, which is entirely different from what they are used to. They also have tiny airways, making it easy for them to choke on water.

Do Chihuahuas Like To Swim?

Although many Chihuahuas do not like swimming, some enjoy a good swim! Like humans, all dogs have different personalities, and some may love swimming while others would rather avoid it.

It depends on your dog and how s/he behaves around water. Some Chi’s love swimming, given the amount of training they have, but some just hate the idea of swimming.

Acclimation is as important as it is for you to familiarize them with the idea and steps of Chihuahua grooming. These fur babies will love swimming if you give them proper ideas and rewards each time they are near a water body.

So, I cannot exactly pinpoint the likes and dislikes of your Chihuahua; it is something you can do. You know him better than anyone in this world, and if you think they will swim, they will.

And if you feel hesitant about the idea of swimming with a Chihuahua, there is a chance that these dogs will reciprocate your feeling. Go with your gut feeling and make sure to train them properly if you decide anything else.

Are Chihuahuas Good Swimmers?

No, Chihuahuas are not good swimmers. They are one of the worst breeds when it comes to swimming! Their short legs and tiny airways make it difficult for them to swim, and since they aren’t bred for swimming in the first place, it’s no surprise that they don’t excel at it.

Chihuahuas are not very good swimmers because of their tiny airways and short legs. It makes it difficult for them to swim and can even cause them to drown.

Do Chihuahuas Like Water?

In general, most dogs love water! However, this is not the case for all of them. Some breeds are naturally drawn to it, while others would rather keep a distance from it at all costs. As discussed before, these personality differences depend on their breed and instincts.

Like humans, all dogs have different personalities, and some may love swimming while others would rather avoid it. Unfortunately, Chihuahuas are breeds that don’t typically enjoy swimming, but there are always exceptions to the rule!

These Chihuahuas may not like the idea of water or drinking it, let alone the part of swimming, but it comes down to how you familiarize them with water.

Bathing your Chis regularly over the span of a few weeks or a month might make these dogs start appreciating the water.

So, as I already made it clear: it’s up to you, and you are the one who can do the trick to make your chi love water or hate it.

What Can I Do To Make My Chihuahua Love Swimming?

One way to make your Chihuahua more comfortable with swimming is to introduce them gradually. Start by bringing them near the water and letting them smell it.

Once they are used to that, put a few inches of water in a kiddie pool and let them paddle around in it. Then, as they become more confident, add more water until they swim in it.

If your Chihuahua is still apprehensive, you can try bringing them to a pool where other dogs are swimming. It will help them see that it’s nothing to be afraid of and may give them the confidence to take the plunge!

Gradually introduce your Chihuahua to the water by letting them smell it, putting a few inches of water in a kiddie pool and allowing them to paddle around, or bringing your Chihuahua somewhere else dogs are swimming. It will help build their confidence so they can learn how to swim!

Will My Chihuahua Drown Easily?

No, Chihuahuas are not good swimmers. They are one of the worst breeds when it comes to swimming!

Their short legs and tiny airways make it difficult for them to swim, and since they aren’t bred for swimming in the first place, it’s no surprise that they don’t excel at it.

Chihuahuas can, however, be taught how to swim. So if you’re worried about your Chihuahua drowning, start by slowly introducing her to water and go from there.

To ensure that your Chihuahua is healthy and happy, it’s best to teach them how to swim with a life jacket! Keep in mind, though, that not all dogs will enjoy swimming, so don’t be surprised if they prefer staying on the shore instead of going through with this activity.

What Can I Do To Make My Chihuahua Love Swimming?

You can do a few things to make your Chihuahua love swimming! If your Chihuahua is hesitant to get in the water, start by slowly bringing them closer to the edge of the pool or body of water.

Reward them with treats and positive reinforcement when they show interest in getting in the water. You can also try coaxing them into the water with a favorite toy or game.

If your Chihuahua is not afraid of the water, take them to a dog-friendly beach or pool and let them play in the water.

Let your Chihuahua pick things up from the bottom of the pool that they are interested in as another way to have fun with their new found love for swimming!

Can I Train My Chihuahua To Swim?

Yes, you can train your Chihuahua to swim. Start by teaching them how to get in and out of the pool or body of water. You can do this by slowly bringing them closer and closer to the edge of the water until they are comfortable jumping in.

Once they are used to jumping into the water, start having them swim a little bit. You can do this by putting them in the water and coaxing them to swim with a toy or treat. As they get better at swimming, they gradually increase the distance and time in the water.

What Things Do I Need To Teach My Chihuahua How To Swim?

There is no reason why your Chihuahua can’t learn how to swim if they see other dogs doing it. Just make sure you have them wear a life jacket because their small size makes them more vulnerable to drowning than larger breeds of dogs.

Like humans, all dogs have different personalities, and some may love swimming while others would rather avoid it.

Your Chihuahua’s attitude towards water can change as they age, so don’t be surprised if your dog starts liking the water more than before! Remember that not all breeds of dogs will enjoy swimming, and you should never force them to do so.

You will first need a few things to teach your Chihuahua how to swim.

  • First, ensure that the pool is not too deep for your Chihuahua.
  • Then, keep an eye on your Chihuahua in the water so they don’t eat nasties from the bottom of the pool.
  • It is also essential to ensure that your Chihuahua knows how to get out of the pool, so have a step or ledge to exit safely.
  • Last but not least, always have a towel ready for when they finish swimming – no one wants a wet and sandy Chihuahua!

If you follow these tips, your Chihuahua will swim like a pro in no time! Just ensure you are always there to supervise them and keep them safe. And don’t forget the sunscreen – even dogs need it sometimes!

Should I Worry If My Chihuahua Is Always Running Away From Water?

Not to worry – Chihuahuas are not the best swimmers and often avoid water. However, that does not mean they cannot learn how to swim!

However, if they are always running away from water, it is essential to make sure that you use a shallow pool for your Chihuahua.

If the pool is too deep or has sharp edges on the bottom of them, this can be pretty dangerous and scary for your little pup!

That way, you won’t have any accidents with your Chihuahua, and they will be able to learn how to swim with your supervision.

Swimming is an excellent way for you and your Chihuahua to bond! It’s also good exercise, so if you are interested in teaching them how to swim this summer – go ahead! Just make sure the water isn’t too deep first.


In conclusion, there are many things you can do to make sure your Chihuahua enjoys swimming. First of all, keep the pool shallow and safe for them!

Then, stay by their side if they need help getting out of the pool or feel nervous about it. You must also have a step or ledge at one end of the pool for your Chihuahua to exit safely.

Last but not least, always have a towel ready! Swimming is an excellent way for you and your pup to bond and gets some good exercise. And don’t forget the sunscreen – even dogs need it sometimes!

So go ahead, take the plunge with your Chihuahua this summer!

Good Luck!!

Picture Credit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a84pfZ8wq-U

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