How To Make Chihuahua Drink Water More Often?

chihuahua drink water

Dogs need to stay hydrated, but this can be difficult if they’re not drinking enough water. The best way to ensure your pup stays at his perfect weight is by monitoring how much he drinks in a day. If you have a Chihuahua, then it is likely that they are not drinking water as often as they should be. You need to know the most common causes of decreased water intake in dogs and what to do about them if you want to keep your Chihuahua healthy and happy. So, how to make chihuahua drink water more often?

The best way to make your chihuahua drink water is to add a toy that provides automatic water, some praising words, or a sneaking way with wet food. You can also try to tempt them with a new environment or a new bowl, so they are more attracted to the idea of water.

I know you have more questions and queries that you want answers to and solutions to the drinking habit of a Chihuahua and what you can do to make them drink more water. Hence, this is the entire article dedicated to that very topic. Please read the whole article before you take any harsh or stupid decision.

Why Is My Chihuahua Not Drinking Water?

When your dog drinks more water, you will notice an improvement in his alertness. If he’s not eating or drinking enough, it could be a sign that something is wrong with him. Make sure to take him for checkups regularly so you can prevent any issues from becoming serious problems.


As dogs age, they lose their sense of smell and taste, leading to decreased water intake. They will also have a harder time getting around, so drinking water is not always the easiest option for them.

Unfamiliar Places and Smells

If your pooch has just moved into a new home or if you’ve taken him on vacation, he might be feeling stress from the change in his environment. Anxiety can cause increased thirst, but it could also manifest as vomiting or diarrhea.

Upsetting Experiences

Dogs are very sensitive creatures that take everything personally. If something bad happens to your pup, like being yelled at by another dog owner, then he may shy away from people for a while.


If your pup is feeling anxious, he might be reluctant to drink water because of the stress that it would put on him. This could lead to a decrease in his appetite and an increase in drool production.

Inactivity And Lack Of Exercise

When a dog doesn’t get enough exercise or is confined to one spot for hours on end, it will become stressed and tired. This can lead them to drink more water in an attempt to quench their thirst from the anxiety.

Loss Of Appetite

If your Chihuahua isn’t eating regularly, they won’t have much need for liquid sustenance, which means less water drinking overall.

You’ll notice this most often when you come home after being out all day long because he’s been alone with no food. If this happens, try giving him wet food throughout the day so that his stomach stays fuller longer instead of only having dry kibble available at mealtimes.

Decrease In Urine Output

If your Chihuahua isn’t drinking enough, then his urine output will be much lower than what it normally should be. This is because their body’s water helps create a dilute solution that flushes out toxins through urination more efficiently.

The color of the urine will also get darker when there’s less fluid leaving the body which can indicate dehydration or an issue with kidney function. If you notice this often happening, then take him for medical attention immediately.

Dark Urine Output

Darker Color Urine can appear as orange, rust-colored brownish tint in lighter colored dogs and deep reddish-brown in dark-skinned breeds like black or chocolate Labradors.

Urine With A Noticeably Strong Odor

A strong odor in the urine, especially if it is not related to diet or medical condition can be a sign of dehydration and kidney issues.

This could also indicate more serious problems such as diabetes so take him for checkups regularly. You catch anything that might develop early on before it becomes dangerous to his health.

How To Make Chihuahua Drink Water More Often? Persuading a Chihuahua to Drink

Persuading a Dog to Drink before trying anything else is essential. Try getting them excited about their water bowl! Dogs usually love to eat, so get them super excited about their water bowl, and they’ll be more likely to drink from it.

If you have a Chihuahua that isn’t drinking much then try adding ice cubes while he’s eating his food or putting larger bowls in the area where he eats instead of one small bowl.


Make sure your pup knows how happy you are when they’re drinking enough liquids by praising him for taking care of himself! This will motivate him even more because dogs love praise just like us humans do.

Try pouring some fresh, clean water into his favorite toy after time spent outside playing with it, too, if you want to make an extra special memory out of the experience and encourage healthy activity levels for improved overall health.

Clean The Bowl

Make sure the water bowl isn’t dirty by cleaning it thoroughly with soap and hot water at least once a week to prevent bacteria build-up, making him sick (or even deathly ill) if he licks off any of the leftover residues later on.

Dogs can be very picky about where they put their mouths so you need to make your Chihuahua’s drinking station as desirable as possible for them!

If this means having multiple bowls all over the house then do that because at least one or two will get used eventually just like in restaurants, people usually drink from whatever glass is closest when thirsty enough too.

Move The Water Bowl

Sometimes it helps to move your dog’s water bowl around to be more accessible.

Try A Different Bowl

Or try a different type of bowl; they can be very particular about where their mouths go too! If your Chihuahua isn’t drinking much, consider buying him one of the new free-flowing fountains made for pets instead, designed to aerate and filter tap or well water into an appealing area with moving streams of fresh, clean liquid available always.

Ice Cubes

Ice cubes placed in the fountain will also encourage them to come back later on because something tasty was left behind for them to enjoy again at another time after all. Dogs love ice cubes just like we do!

Water Fountain

Many dogs filtered alkaline spring water over tap water especially when it’s more of a fresh flowing fountain type instead.

A Pet Water Fountain is also one way to encourage your dog to drink more fluids than you can get for them too! They are very similar in appearance and function to the fountains that help keep our own glasses of liquid replenished at home or work so why wouldn’t they be equally beneficial?

This might make him feel less stressed about his surroundings which will also lower anxiety levels, helping him relax even further while drinking enough liquids always.

Wet Food

You could try switching their food over from dry kibble-style foods with wet canned varieties mixed in occasionally if they’re not eating much on their own. Just remember to add more water if you do this to keep them hydrated properly.

Hill’s Science Diet Wet Dog Food, Adult 7+ for Senior Dogs, Small Paws for Small Breeds, Savory Stew Chicken & Vegetables, 3.5 oz Trays, 12-pack

Earthborn Holistic Lily’S Gourmet Buffet In Sauce Grain Free Moist Dog Food, 8 Oz, Case Of 8


If your Chihuahua isn’t drinking much then maybe try a syringe full of fresh clean water down his throat without hurting him just enough so that he knows it’s coming and will be ready for the fluid intake, but not too much as to cause choking on accident which could result in death from bleeding out internally instead if the damage is done due to panic-induced shock.

Automatic Water Spring

Automatic Water Spring A Pet Fountain with an Autofill Feature can also help by filling up automatically as needed which might reduce stress levels associated with running around trying constantly yourself while busy doing other things throughout the day or night! You catch anything that way!


You can also try using a Broth as well instead of water which might be more enticing to them if they’re not hungry enough for regular food at the moment.


How Much Water Should I Give My Dog When He Is Sick?

A sick dog should always have fresh, clean water available at all times to drink when thirsty, but only give him small amounts at a time so that he doesn’t get too much which can make them even sicker instead.

How Often Can A Dog Go A Day Without Water?

Dogs need lots of liquids every day to be healthy. Their organs will begin shutting down making them very uncomfortable until you replenish again with the daily intake required for good health.

That’s why it is important to not go away from your Chihuahua any longer than you have to while also getting enough rest yourself while home each night because a tired owner equals a much healthier dog too.

What If My Chihuahua Won’t Drink Water?

If your Chihuahua doesn’t drink, you have to find out why and quickly! Humans go days without food before death occurs, but it is far different for dogs. They will die within just three or four days if you leave them alone without water in their system.

This is extremely dangerous no matter the circumstances, so always take action as soon as possible to prevent this from happening!

They can also become very sick due to dehydration too so prevention really needs to happen ASAP here since waiting could be fatal instead of helpful at all.


In conclusion, do whatever it takes, and it is necessary to make your Chihuahua drink water more often. This can include a syringe feeding them through their mouth with some water or broth to get them hydrated again with the fluids they need fast so that they don’t die instead. Keep water bowls full and clean always for your Chihuahua’s sake too!

So now you know how easy it is to teach a dog new tricks like drinking more often from his own bowl of freshwater whenever he needs to! Just be sure not to make him drink TOO much at once though since doing this can also cause vomiting if he ingests too much all at once which isn’t good either way.

It’s dangerous no matter what happens in these situations, but taking quick action almost immediately when needed will help prevent any further complications from occurring as well. Good luck out there your pup today and every other day too to teach him how much you love them because they will always need your care no matter what the circumstances!

Remember, dogs should have water available for hydration at all times and plenty of exercises so that they remain healthy and happy in every way possible.

This is why home dog walking services are becoming more popular by the day due to busy lifestyles which require owners to work long hours while leaving their beloved pets alone inside all day instead without having anyone around taking proper care of them or even just giving them enough attention needed throughout the day either.

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