How To Clean Chihuahua Teeth?

clean chihuahua teeth

If you own a Chihuahua, then you know they can’t help but shed with their adorable little selves. They love to eat and chew on things, making it almost inevitable that there will be some type of mess when it comes time for teeth cleaning. There are many different ways in which you can clean Chihuahua teeth. 

You can clean Chihuahua teeth with the help of dental chews, a proper brush, and toothpaste made for Chihuahua, Raw Bones, etc. But remember to stay careful and affectionate during the whole process, as dental care can sometimes hurt your Chi pup if you don’t do it properly.

The life expectancy of a chihuahua is 12-15 years. The upkeep that you have to do for your furry friend includes daily brushing, monthly vet visits, and annual teeth cleaning. Let’s take a look at the most popular methods below!

Image Products For Chihuahua Link
Virbac C.E.T. Enzymatic Oral Hygiene Chews
Pedigree Dentastix Dental Dog Adult and Puppy Toy/Small Treats
WHIMZEES Natural Grain-Free Dental Dog Treats, Extra Small Brushzees
OraVet Dental Hygiene Chews
Greenies Dental Dog Treats & Dog Chew

How Often Should You Clean Your Chihuahua’s Teeth?

Ideally, you should clean your Chihuahua’s teeth at least once a week. However, if that is not possible, aim at least once a month.

Tip #01: Let Them ‘Own’ Your Instruments

One way to make tooth cleaning less traumatic for you and your Chihuahua is to let them ‘own’ the instruments you will be using.

This can be done in a few ways: give them their own toothbrush, allow them to chew on the toothbrush before and/or after brushing, or even let them lick the water off of your fingers after you brush their teeth.

Tip #02: Don’t Be Forceful

Another way to make tooth cleaning less traumatic for both you and your Chihuahua is not to be forceful when doing it.

Brushing too harshly or being too aggressive when cleaning their teeth can cause discomfort, which will only lead to resistance from your pup. Brushes with soft bristles are ideal – as well as patience!

Tip #03: Brush On Their Time

One of the main reasons that your Chihuahua is resisting tooth cleaning is because they don’t like to be rushed. Be patient and let them go at their own pace when it comes down to brushing time. If you try rushing them, it can make things worse for you and your pup!

Tip #04: Use Similar Instruments

Make sure that whatever instruments you use on your Chihuahua (toothbrush, fingers) look similar in size and shape to each other, so they aren’t put off by what you are doing during teeth cleaning time.

Once again – patience will come into play here; do not force anything or rush while trying to their teeth. Let them do it at their own pace!

Tip #05: Comfort Them

One of the best ways to reduce tooth cleaning anxiety in your Chihuahua is to comfort them while you are doing it. Talk to them in a soft voice, pet them, and make sure they feel safe and secure during this process.

Tooth cleaning can be a scary experience for some dogs – but with a little patience from you, they will get through it just fine!

How Can You Clean Chihuahua Teeth?

There are many different ways that you can clean your Chihuahua teeth; we will take a look at the most popular methods below.

Use Chew Toys

One way to help clean your Chihuahua’s teeth is by giving them chew toys. Dental Chews that are specially made for Chihuahuas will help remove plaque and tartar from their teeth as they play. Some good chew toy options include rawhide bones, rubber balls, or Kongs filled with peanut butter or treats.

Raw Bones

Another way to help clean your Chihuahua’s teeth is by giving them raw bones. Raw bones are a great way to scrape plaque and tartar off of their teeth while providing them with important nutrients at the same time.

Be sure to supervise your Chihuahua when chewing on a raw bone, and take it away once the bones become small enough to be swallowed.

Brush With Your Fingers

Another way to clean your Chihuahua’s teeth is by brushing them with your fingers. This can be done either in combination with another method or as a standalone option.

Wet your finger and brush along their gum line using circular motions; make sure to get all of their teeth! Be careful not to push too hard – you don’t want them to resist tooth cleaning even more!

Visit Your Vet Frequently

If you have trouble getting your Chihuahua comfortable with tooth cleaning, consider taking them for regular vet checkups. Oftentimes, vets will be able to clean your pup’s teeth for you without any stress or anxiety on their part.

Some common vet-administered methods of tooth cleaning include dental scaling, water irrigation, and polishing paste.

Frozen Chicken Wings

One way to get your Chihuahua used to the idea of having their teeth cleaned is by giving them frozen chicken wings first.

Start by thawing a few chicken wings and giving them to your dog while they are still relaxed – such as after a meal or during playtime.

Once they are comfortable eating the chicken wings, they start brushing their teeth with a soft-bristled brush while still enjoying the meat.

Antlers Or Coconut Oil & Neem Oil

Another way to clean your Chihuahua’s teeth is by rubbing antler or coconut oil onto their teeth and gums. When rubbed directly onto the tooth surface, Antler scrapes away plaque and tartar while also strengthening your pup’s teeth simultaneously!

Coconut oil can be used similarly–just add natural ingredients to it, such as neem leaf powder, before applying it to their mouth for about two minutes per day. This will help remove buildup from all over your pup’s mouth while also being beneficial in other ways too!

Kelp Seaweed/Kibble Contains Bacteria-Fighting Properties

A final way to clean your Chihuahua’s teeth is by giving them kelp seaweed or kibble that contains bacteria-fighting properties. This will help reduce the amount of plaque and tartar on their teeth over time and can be a great addition to their regular diet!

Things To Avoid While Cleaning Teeth Of Your Chihuahua

You should avoid some things while trying to clean your Chihuahua’s teeth – namely, kibble and raw veggies.


Kibble can increase the amount of plaque and tartar on your pup’s teeth due to its abrasive texture, so it is best to avoid it during tooth cleaning.

Raw Veggies

Similarly, raw veggies can also increase plaque and tartar buildup on your Chihuahua’s teeth. Stick to cooked vegetables instead to help keep their teeth clean!


Cleaning your Chihuahua’s teeth doesn’t have to be a daunting task. In fact, it can be quite easy with the right tools and techniques! Try out some of the above methods and see which works best for you and your pup. And remember, regular vet checkups are key in keeping their pearly whites healthy!

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