How To Care For Senior Chihuahua?

How To Care For Senior Chihuahua

The Chihuahuas are a breed of toy dog and come in two varieties: long-haired and short-haired. Chihuahuas are named after the state of Chihuahua in Mexico due to their popularity among Mexican traders who sold them across the border. These little dogs have grown popular over time for many reasons, including their small size, how easy they are to train, and how intelligent they can be. As your little white ball of fur grows older, you will notice some subtle changes that need to be addressed with care – but don’t worry!  How to care for a senior chihuahua, then?

Aging and Senior Chihuahua is special and requires more care, attention, and love than its younger counterparts because they are not as strong or healthy. With this in mind, knowing how to take care of your senior Chihuahua is important. Make sure you pay close attention to its body and that regular check-ups are scheduled with the vet.

We’re here to guide you through it all with our tips on taking care of senior Chihuahua.

What Are The Issues Of A Senior Chihuahua?

As your Chihuahua ages, you will start to notice some changes in its body. The most common issues that arise are about muscles, bones, joints, teeth, and breath, skin issues, immunity, eye problems, brain swelling, temperature preference, and hypoglycemia. Let’s take a closer look at each of these:

Muscles, Bones, and Joints

Just like humans, dogs experience a decrease in muscle mass and bone density as they age. This can lead to joint pain and arthritis – common conditions in aging Chihuahuas.

You might need to help your dog move around more often, especially if it’s experiencing stiffness or discomfort. Senior citizens’ dogs’ homes are available to assist with mobility problems.

Teeth and Breath

Your aging Chihuahua’s breath is another concern you’ll want to take care of. Gums are not as strong when dogs get older. This can cause teeth to fall out or become loose in the mouth.

The gums may also swell – leading to infection or tooth loss if it’s not treated. Hence, dental care is important for Chihuahuas; brush your dog’s teeth at least once a day and see the vet if you notice any oral health problems.

Skin Issues and Immunity

The Chihuahua’s skin is also susceptible to issues as it ages. The fatty tissues below the skin may thin, which can lead to dryness, sores, or lesions on the skin.

Older dogs are also more prone to developing infections – such as yeast infection – due to a weakened immune system.

Bathe your Chi regularly and keep an eye out for any suspicious lesions or changes in skin coloration. If your dog seems uncomfortable or itchy, take it to the vet right away for treatment.

Eye Problems

One of the most common health concerns among senior dogs is eye problems. Many older dogs develop cataracts or suffer from glaucoma, which can lead to blindness if untreated.

The Chihuahua tends to be very sensitive and may not like having its eyes examined by the vet. But it’s important for you to pay attention and make sure your dog is comfortable throughout the process.

Swelling of the Brain

There are many causes of swelling in senior citizens, including tumors and infections like Lyme disease. If your Chihuahua has a weakened immune system due to age, it will only increase the likelihood of developing an infection somewhere in its body.

You might notice that your aging dog shakes more often than before or seems uncoordinated when walking because light touches or smells can be painful.

This serious condition may require hospitalization and immediate treatment with antibiotics, steroids, and other medications.

Temperature Preference

Chihuahuas tend to have higher body temperatures than humans. So you might notice your aging dog prefers warmer areas of the home or becomes lethargic if it’s too cold outside. The best way to monitor this is by taking its temperature regularly using a rectal thermometer.

If your Chihuahua prefers warmer surfaces, make sure their bedding isn’t overly thick or plush. They could get overheated in hot weather conditions.

Hypoglycemia (Low Blood Sugar)

The likelihood of developing insulin resistance increases as dogs age since the pancreas loses some of its ability to function.

If your aging Chihuahua is hypoglycemic, it’s important that you feed them smaller meals throughout the day. Wake up in the middle of the night if they’re not eating well during their normal sleeping hours.

Prevention and Maintenance: How To Care For Senior Chihuahua?

Just like humans, dogs need exercise as they age too! Make sure you take them for a walk once or twice per day. But avoid long walks on hot days because this could be dangerous for an older dog.

Here are the things you need to do and make sure to take care of your senior Chihuahua:

Pay Attention to Your Aging Chihuahua’s Body

Pay attention to any signs that it needs rest, such as heavy panting or tired movements when getting into or out of bed/couch.

Chihuahuas can live well into their teens. So it’s important that you start preparing for their senior years early on by paying attention to their unique needs. Keep these tips in mind, and your aging Chihuahua will be happy, healthy, and loved for many years to come!

Toys And Playtime

It’s also important to keep your dog mentally stimulated as they age by providing lots of toys and playtime – especially if they’re not used to being home alone all day. Puzzle feeders are a great way to give them something fun to do while you’re away at work.

Regular Check-Ups

Make sure you take your aging Chihuahua for regular check-ups with the vet, even if there don’t seem to be any issues. You can also take them to professional groomers every few months. So their fur stays healthy, and they always look good for special occasions!

Diet (Low-Calorie Meals)

Since senior dogs tend to be more sedentary, you’ll want to feed your Chihuahua smaller meals throughout the day whenever possible. Or even just one large meal per day. This will help prevent bloating since older pets are less able to digest food properly due to age changes in the digestive system.

Maintain Regular Exercise

Just like humans, exercising regularly is key for keeping muscles strong as an aging dog’s metabolism begins slowing down faster. Make sure you keep your Chi active by playing with them, walking them around the neighborhood on a leash, and training them in new tricks or commands they can perform.

Take Care of Your Chi’s Mouth

If your dog’s breath starts smelling really bad all of a sudden – especially if there is blood in their stool or vomit – this could be a sign of dental problems such as periodontal disease. However, sometimes aging dogs develop heartworms. It can also cause these symptoms. So you’ll want to take your chihuahua to the vet ASAP!

Skin Issues And Immunity

With age comes plenty of opportunities for skin issues such as rashes and infections. Chihuahuas aren’t always able to heal themselves like before due to changes in metabolism rates. Make sure you pay attention to any unusual sores, lesions, or excessive scratching and get them checked out by a vet if they persist.

Easy Access To Favorite Spots

Since senior dogs often have a harder time getting around, it’s important to provide them with easy access to their favorite spots in your home – like their bed or a sunny spot on the couch. You can also install ramps and stair gates if needed.

Avoid Slipping Accidents

If your Chihuahua has skin issues due to age, make sure you use a pet-safe shampoo instead of regular human shampoos. This will prevent any irritation or burning on their sensitive skin.

Avoid Slipping Accidents

As seniors start losing muscle mass and dexterity, it’s very easy for them to slip and fall – especially when they’re trying to get into bed at night before sleeping!

Make sure there are no throw rugs in the bedroom that could cause this problem by covering them with non-skid tape so your dog can easily walk around without slipping.

If necessary, try adding some rubber pads under the legs of furniture like cabinets where they might be having trouble getting up/down from as well.

Please note that if your senior dog has heartworms, this is not the best way to make them safer, as it can cause further breathing issues.

Provide A Comfortable Bed

It’s very important for seniors to get plenty of rest – especially at night time after a long day of playing and walking. Make sure you provide them with an extremely comfortable bed like the Snoozer Orthopedic Memory Foam Dog Beds, which are designed specifically for dogs suffering from arthritis or other injuries/pain so they won’t have any trouble getting around in their sleep!

Be Patient With Your Senior Chi’s Changes

As your Chihuahua becomes more fragile due to health changes associated with aging, be patient with how slow they move around or how much they sleep. They might seem like different dogs now, but it’s important to remember that this is normal for senior pets!

Keep Some Potty Pads Ready

Just in case your Chihuahua has accidents, be sure you have plenty of non-stick pads on hand. So you can easily pick them up and clean the area afterward without having any issues with their skin.

This is also a good idea if they’re not making it outside anymore due to mobility problems or heartworm. It makes accidents more likely when an older dog isn’t feeling well enough to go all the way out back or inside!

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Supplements (Senior Dog Vitamins)

Aging often leads to less absorption of nutrients by bones & teeth. Hence, it’s important to ensure you give your senior Chihuahua supplements like PetHonesty 10 in 1 Dog Multivitamin with Glucosamine – Essential Dog Vitamins with Glucosamine Chondroitin, Probiotics, and Omega Fish Oil for Dogs Overall Health – (Chicken) which are specifically designed for older dogs!

Treating Your Aging Chi’s Conditions

If your dog is experiencing any discomfort due to health changes, be sure they get treated by a vet immediately.

This could include things like arthritis, heartworms, incontinence issues, etc., affecting an aging pet in different ways. So always check with the doctor first before trying other treatments on your own without professional advice.

They might seem fragile now, but these steps should help ensure their safety and happiness throughout their golden years!


Just like with human seniors, there are many things you can do to make your Chihuahua’s golden years more comfortable and enjoyable. Suppose you’re lucky enough to have a senior Chihuahua in your life. In that case, it’s important to pay extra attention to any unusual sores, lesions, or excessive ones and get them checked out by a vet.

Following the tips in this article about taking care of senior Chihuahua will help keep them safe, healthy, and happy – no matter what changes come their way! Thanks for reading!

Please note: The author is not a veterinarian, and any information in this post is not professional advice. Please consult your veterinarian if you have questions or concerns about your senior dog’s health.

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