How Often Should You Bathe Your Chihuahua?

How Often Should You Bathe Your Chihuahua?

If you are a new parent of a cute dog like a Chihuahua, there are thousands of things you will learn for the first time. You will get shocked now and then when you deal with the process of raising a dog. Well, parenthood has never been easy, to be honest. And, of course, good parenting involves maintaining your baby’s hygiene. Hence, the bathing and grooming of Chihuahua. However, there is always a catch. Do you know how often you should bathe your Chihuahua?

Most of the owners prefer bathing their Chihuahua once a week. While some certain purpose facts why it is healthy to bathe them once a month. But either way, you need to bathe your Chihuahua as often as once a week. However, please do not overdo it, as overbathing will only result in negative consequences. 

However, underdoing it will make your Chihuahua unhealthy and, of course, unhygienic. Also, the number of times you bathe your Chihuahua depends on various environmental and physical factors.

I suggest you carefully read every section of the following article before jumping to conclusions. Every dog is different, so make sure you know how to treat your one properly.

Let’s get started, shall we?

Bathing Your Chihuahua

I know how surprising it can get while raising a dog. However, it may seem easy when you find others petting their dog or going for a walk.

But there is more to it than eyes meet. Behind every happy dog is an owner who gives their full attention and care for their dog’s needs. And mind you, these needs can stretch from food to shelter and teeny tiny bits like sleeping.

As I have already mentioned, if you have a new or beginner dog parent, it might be difficult for you to understand what’s going on and how you need to do things.

However, I have been there, and I understand what you are going through actually. Hence, I present you with how and what to do when bathing your Chihuahua.

It is not that difficult to understand when your dog needs a bath or when it doesn’t. But unfortunately, beginners make mistakes and overdo everything they are supposed to do most of the time.

I know how you feel when bathing your Chihuahua for the first time. But the most important question is whether you need to do it more often or occasionally.

People think bathing their dogs daily guarantees their hygiene and a healthy attitude. You are not wrong, but this theory only applies to human beings here; it is good to bathe daily when you are commenting, but your dog is an animal that needs to be treated with more care as it is more fragile.

Chihuahua has sensitive skin, and their oil glands work is quite different. So you might be ripping off their essential oils by bathing them regularly. I know it sounds absurd, but they don’t need a regular bath.

How Often Should You Bath Your Chihuahua?

Let’s discuss how often you can bathe your Chihuahua. Honestly, it depends on how dirty and busy your dog is. If you have a dog that remains active and placed throughout the day without a bit of raise, it is better to bathe your dog once a week.

However, the case might be different for the dog who stayed at home and was placed within the house and had proper rest there.

They are not often outdoors and have a good level of hygiene as they are not outside among dirt and mud. Thus, you can get away with bathing your Chihuahua once a month too.

But remember to check the matt and specks of dirt in your dog’s hair and skin. It is not healthy for either of you to stay like that.

Your Chihuahua can bring home diseases in the form of specks of dirt and fleas that can affect both of you. So, please be careful and check on your Chihuahua more often. This will help you understand when your dogs need a bath.

I suggest you go for “a bathe every fortnight.” This will even give you the benefit of the doubt. Finding a middle way is always better than questioning and contemplating two different choices.

How Often To Bathe Your Baby Chihuahua?

Honestly, your Chihuahua puppy is too small even to understand how much they need a bath. Hence, you might face tantrums when you bathe them first. 

But it is necessary to bathe a Chihuahua puppy from a very young age to form a good habit. This will ensure they won’t throw any tantrums while bathing when they grow old.

So now, coming to the main part of the question, you can bathe your Chihuahua puppy once a month or once every three months, depending on the outdoor activity level.

And you can use baby wipes to clean them once in a while. If you have a hyperactive puppy who often gets dirty, you can also bathe them every week.

But most puppies stay inside their home for the first few weeks, so you can skip the whole bathing process and clean them with wipes.

How Often To Bathe Your Adult Chihuahua?

First and foremost, a warning: Hyperactivity after a bath is real. So, don’t freak out when your Chihuahua is overexcited or overwhelmed after a proper bath.

Now, let’s talk about facts. How often to bathe an adult Chihuahua? Well, Chihuahua becomes hyperactive as they grow up. Hence, the more the activity, the more sweaty and dirty Chihuahua.

So, you need to bathe them once every week and don’t exceed a month. Adult Chihuahua runs and plays outside more compared to other age groups. 

Thus, they need more baths than puppies and older dogs. However, you need to ensure not to leave them dirty and stingy.

How Often To Bathe Your Old Chihuahua?

The important thing about caring for older or elderly Chihuahuas is maintaining their hygiene.

Not that they will be all giddy and active, yet they need to have a thorough clean-up once in a while. Old age makes their hair, skin, and coat more prone to diseases and fleas.

So, at the very least, bathe them once a month. Then, they won’t be that dirty to need a weekly bath. So, you can just clean them with wipes around the dirty area.

Can You Bathe Your Chihuahua Once A Week?

Yes, you can. As discussed earlier in the above section, you can do it as long as it won’t get on your nerves again.

I know how nerve-wracking it can get when you question everything you do regarding your Chihuahua. And it’s okay to question every move. But it will ensure that you take the right steps for your dog.

I have seen people getting reckless when taking care of a dog. But unfortunately, not everyone has the same patience level. And I am not complaining, but I still suggest you research before taking any steps.

Not every second thoughts are bad, you see. Sometimes, you get what your dog wants only after second-guessing yourself. So, if you have a question like this, feel free to ask.

Most of the time, your vet will suggest you bathe your dog within a certain time interval. Following that, you will be good to go.

But if you want to bathe your dog once a week, go for it. It is not that bad to bathe your dog once in a while.

However, check for the oils and skin type before jumping to conclusions. Ensure your dog has healthy skin to withstand shampooing and conditioning every week.

But as far as things go, it is okay to bathe your Chihuahua once a week. And, of course, you always have the option to skip a week if your dog seems clean and healthy.

No outing will probably help your dog stay cleaner, but it is not considered healthy. You see, it is healthy, and your dog stays happy when you take your Chihuahua for a walk and let them play freely.

Just because you think bathing them is a hassle, do not constrict them from having the time of their life.

Is It Okay To Bath Your Chihuahua Twice A Week?

Not that I am a big supporter of this bi-weekly program, but I think there is always a ‘but’ to this. Bathing your dog will take away the essential oils their skin contains, making it hard for them to stay away from skin issues.

Have you ever had dry skin? I think most of us have been there. But unfortunately, the itching and dryness only result in rashes and red marks all over the body.

Imagine this same problem in your dog but twice the pain. Chihuahua has long hairs mostly; hence, stripping their oils away will make them itch more and hence the skin diseases.

But, the same but I talked about in the first sentence, what if your dog is dirty? I know you are asking about the playdate that ended with matted hairs and dirt on the skin.

I think it is okay to bathe them twice a week in those cases. You can let your dirty dog roam around and collect fleas on its body. Hence it is best to bathe them whenever you find them dirty or matty.

Also, remember to use conditioners that will lock their oils within their skin and make it seem normal. A good conditioner is always a key to maintaining your Chihuahua’s hair and skin quality.

When Should You Bathe Your Chihuahua?

It is no rocket science to figure out when your dog is in dire need of a bath. But, as a beginner, it might not always get easy to know when they are asking for a bath or just clean paws.

Most of the time, you can get away with washing their paws after a walk. However, when the outing has been over the top with all the playing, fighting, and laying on the grass, you need to think about the bathe twice.

Most dogs bring home fleas and bacteria from their outing session. Hence, bathing mostly depends on how dirty your dog is and how much time he has spent in the grass.

Now, let me list the time you need to or can bathe your Chihuahua:

  1. When it’s time for their regular bath. It can range from once a week or once a month.
  2. Please give them a good bath when you see them struggling with fleas.
  3. Also, you should bathe them if they have spent the entire day on the beach or outside playing on the ground and has a pungent odor.
  4. Bathing your Chihuahua is important once you give them flea treatment. But don’t do it immediately. Instead, let the medication run its course, then wash off your dog properly after some time.

How To Prepare Chihuahua For A Bathe?

Preparing a Chihuahua for a bath might not get as hard as you imagined. And if you have a baby Chihuahua, it is easier to train them into liking the bathing process.

  1. Teach your puppy to like water from the very beginning or early age.
  2. Prepare treats and toys for your dog while they are bathing.
  3. Play with them for a while.
  4. Use a calm and soothing voice to trick them into the bathtub.
  5. Place a rubber mat on the bathtub where your dog is supposed to bathe to avoid a slippery surface.
  6. Choose the shampoo and conditioner that won’t hurt or irritate your Chihuahua. Remember to avoid the areas where shampoo might hurt Chihuahua.
  7. Give them treats after bathing so your Chihuahua will look forward to another bathing session.

Benefits Of Bathe For Your Chihuahua

I don’t think it is necessary to list all the benefits of grooming the Chihuahua and explain them individually.

Why do we humans bathe? I think you already know the answer. Hygiene is the key to healthy living; the same goes for your dog. So I don’t think you will need any explanations regarding the benefits of bathing.

Helps To Keep Away Bad Body Odor

It may seem like your dog that stays in the house all the time will not develop any order. However, that’s not even close to the truth; once you start dealing with your dog, you understand how one dog can go from domestic to wild within 50m yards.

This dog will play around in the grass in the park and catch many types of dirt. The smell of soil, dust and even poop can get mixed up when your Chihuahua plays in the grass around the house. Hence, the smell can get pungent, and a good bath will emit those smells immediately.

Keeps The Chihuahua Hair And Skin Healthy

Yeah, I know; I have warned you about stripping the oils from Chihuahua skins to make them unhealthier due to over-bathing.

However, you can give them better skin once you use a good moisturizing shampoo and a good conditioner. Hence, it is important to choose the best shampoo for your Chihuahua. Remember to check all the ingredients in the shampoo and any other body wash you use on your dog.

Bonding Activity

You might not know how much your Chihuahua appreciates spending time with you. And bathing them is another activity that will bring you two close.

Your Chihuahua will not always prefer bathing and will not come willingly to the bathtub. Hence, you will learn new ways to understand your dog and its mood swings.

Keeps The Coat Healthy

When you take care of their hair and, of course, the skin, you indirectly remove the dirt from their coat.

Bathing will help to keep fleas and skin diseases at bay. Hence, your Chihuahua will have a healthy as well as shinier coat.

Disadvantages Of Over-Bathing Your Chihuahua

I have babbled a lot about the dangers of over-bathing your Chihuahua in this entire article. But it always gets easier for people, especially beginners, to understand why I am forbidding overbathing once I list all the disadvantages.

I will dig deeper and explain each of these disadvantages. You will understand what I am talking about once you read the disadvantages.

  1. Over-bathing rips or stips the natural oils from the Chihuahua body and skin. Hence the skin will get drier and rough with this.
  2. You will make your Chihuahua lose too much hair due to frequent baths; hence, hair fall will make your dog look less pretty.
  3. And we cannot leave behind the dander these dogs will release when you overdo all the grooming. So, if you are someone with an allergy, this might become your worst nightmare.
  4. Similarly, scrubbing and overuse of shampoo will result in rashes around Chihuahua’s body.


In conclusion, it doesn’t matter how often you choose to bathe your dog. What’s important is how well you know your dog’s body. For example, if your Chihuahua already has dry hair and skin, bathing them more often will only make them unhealthy and invite skin diseases. Similarly, if you under bath your oily and dirty Chihuahua, it will make them sicker and unhygienic.

Hence, the answer to how often to bathe your Chihuahua lies in your instincts and subconscious mind. If you see your dog dirty and matted, I don’t think you will ignore bathing them if you are in your right mind. Whether you like it or not, your dog might not understand what you are doing for them, but that doesn’t mean you need to stop doing that.

I understand why people often have queries and fears when bathing your Chihuahua. But it is always better to have a hygienic dog than one with fleas and matted. 

If you still have any questions or queries, please feel free to drop your questions and problems in the comment section below. I’ll try to answer them for you at soon as possible. But, of course, it is always better to have a dog that doesn’t scare people away with its pungent smell and matted look. 

Don’t worry; you will do great if you go by the rule book. And, of course, you can bend a few rules according to your dog’s personality.

Good Luck!!!

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