9 Homemade Foods Recipe For Chihuahua

9 Fascinating Homemade Foods Recipe For Chihuahua

Chihuahuas are small dog breeds (like some cocker spaniels, toy poodles, and Maltese) that need specific food. Here are 9 Homemade Foods Recipe For your Chihuahua

You can prepare various healthy homemade foods for Chihuahua by following certain recipes with good ingredients like vegetables, beans, and legumes, which are very beneficial to the digestive system. We did some research to give you recipes that can be easily prepared at home.

In this article, we included nine healthy homemade food recipes for Chihuahua from some sources like pet forums and web pages related to dogs’ health.

9 Homemade Foods Recipe For Chihuahua

The good thing is that all these foods are nutritious and easy to prepare at home or in your regular recipes.

If you want to learn more about feeding your dog foods like those we collected here, keep reading. At the end of this article, we will give other interesting information related to Chihuahua food.

Rice With Beef


Here’s a recipe that I have found works well:

  • One pound of organic ground beef or turkey
  • Two cups of cooked rice
  • One cup of peas and carrots (you can also use sweet potatoes)
  • One tablespoon of olive oil or coconut oil


Take two cups of cooked rice in a bowl. Then in a pan, heat one tablespoon of olive oil. Put in the organic ground beef.

You can use turkey if your chihuahua is allergic to beef. Then, cook the meat until it is brown. Put in some peas and carrots and boil them in another bowl while you are at it.

Now, once everything is cooked, mix them together. Let it cool, and then serve it to your chihuahua. If you are making the food in bulk, make sure to store it properly! Canning is a great way to go about this.

This whole process will save you a lot of time and money. Feeding your chihuahua homemade foods will ensure that it gets all the nutrients it needs to live a healthy life! Serve the food hot for the chihuahua to eat.

Balanced Apple and Chicken Meal for Chihuahuas


  • 2 pounds of boneless chicken
  • 1 Apple
  • Half a cup of peas
  • Half a cup of corn
  • About a cup of brown rice
  • Half a cup of carrots
  • 1 Egg


Preheat your oven to about 350 degrees Fahrenheit and boil water in a bowl. Cook the chicken till it’s fully white. Shred-it normally with a fork. Now, boil some rice until they are cooked. Make sure they are soft enough for the chihuahua to digest.

Now, dice up some fruits and veggies. Now, mix all ingredients, including the apples, chicken, and eggs, into a huge bowl. Mix up the brown rice with veggies in another bowl thoroughly. Then, it is time to assemble.

Put a thick layer of the chicken mixture first, then top up with the rice mixture in a casserole. Make sure you use alternative layers and bake it in love for 30 minutes. Let it cool down before you cut it and serve it to your chihuahua.

Organic Eggs and Fish Meal for Chihuahuas


  • One pound of white fish, deboned and chopped into small pieces
  • Two organic eggs, cooked
  • Half cup potatoes (organic), cooked and mashed


Mix all ingredients in a bowl except for the fish. Add in the fish and mix well. Store in a covered container and keep it at room temperature.

Put the food into the refrigerator 12 hours before serving to allow the meat to cool down completely. Provide one cup of this meal for your Chihuahua daily.

Chickpea and Vegetable Meal for Chihuahuas


  • One cup chickpeas, cooked
  • Two cups of fresh vegetables (carrots, green beans, and broccoli), chopped into small pieces


Mix veggies and chickpeas in a bowl. Store food in a covered container and keep it at room temperature for 12 hours. Keep it refrigerated after that.

Provide one cup of this meal for your Chihuahua daily.

Vegetable and Beef Meal with Lentils Ingredients:  


  • One pound of organic ground beef or turkey
  • Three cups of cooked white rice (or brown enriched rice)
  • Half cup lentils, cooked and mashed  


Mix all ingredients together in a bowl. Store the food in an airtight container and keep it refrigerated for a maximum of three days only!

Replace the lentils with half a cup of pureed pumpkin if your Chihuahua is not eating due to a slight digestive problem or a sensitive stomach.

Whole Wheat Flour Meal with Beef and Chicken



Blend all ingredients together in a bowl except for the wheat flour. Make sure that the mixture is well blended before adding the flour. Knead the dough for a couple of minutes until all ingredients are completely mixed together.

Allow it to rest for an hour, and then roll them into strips approximately 1/8-inch thick. Flatten each strip using a rolling pin, cut out shapes using cookie cutters, and place them on baking trays.

Later, bake them in an oven at 350 degrees for 30 minutes, cool, and store them in a container with a lid. Keep it refrigerated for no more than three days.

Use one flatbread per Chihuahua daily, but make sure they are not eating all of them at once! You can store extra ones in the freezer for later use.

Complete Meal for Chihuahua


  • One pound of organic ground beef or turkey (cooked)
  • One cup of lentils, cooked and mashed
  • Three cups of cooked white rice (or brown enriched rice)  


Mix all ingredients together in a bowl. Furthermore, store food in an airtight container and keep it refrigerated for no more than three days only!

If you are using organic ground beef, make sure it is fresh. Freeze any unused parts for later use.  

Doggie Stew with Lamb and Vegetables


For Small Breeds:    

  • One pound of organic ground beef or turkey (cooked)   
  • One cup of lentils, cooked and mashed     
  • Half head cabbage (chopped)     
  • Two carrots (chopped into bite-size pieces)


Cook the beef or turkey in olive oil. Then, boil some lentils and mash them. Chop cabbage head and bring it to a boil in a bowl till it is cooked. Mix all ingredients and feed them to your chihuahua.

You can store extra food in the freezer for later use. Moreover, this meal can be given to your dog once or twice a week, depending on her weight and age.



  • Green vegetables
  • Carrots
  • Peas
  • Cabbage
  • Cauliflower or broccoli


After cutting them into small pieces, boil all the ingredients until they are soft. Then mash them or feed the ingredients as it is.

This is a nutritious diet for your chihuahua if and only if they are not a picky eater. Else, you have to add some hint of meat to the salad. You can add boiled chicken or ground beef only after they are properly cooked.


There you have it, nine easy and tasty lists of the recipe for homemade foods for Chihuahua. If your Chihuahua does not seem to like the first recipe that you offer, try different homemade foods until he starts eating them! Unfortunately, some dogs are picky eaters. And remember to avoid certain homemade foods for Chihuahuas as they can be poisonous or harmful to their digestive tract.

Good luck to every one of you!

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