Does Chihuahua Get Thirsty? How To Quench Their Thirst?

chihuahua get thirsty

Chihuahuas are known to have a lot of energy, so it can be hard for them to stay hydrated. Often they don’t drink enough water and then end up with health problems like kidney disease or urinary tract infections. If your Chihuahua is not drinking much water, you need to take action now before something serious happens! Does Chihuahua Get Thirsty?

Yes, Chihuahuas get thirsty. The first step in helping your Chihuahua get enough water is to ensure that he has an appropriate bowl size (smaller than 2 cups). You should also always provide fresh, cool water at all times. Consider adding some ice cubes if the weather outside is warm.

In this blog post, we will detail your Chihuahua and how this dog can thirsty. I will also talk about the amount and frequency of making them drink water.

So, read this article to the very end!

Does Chihuahua Get Thirsty?

Chihuahuas may not always show that they’re thirsty by panting or drooling. However, if your dog is whining excessively or acting restless, then he may already be showing signs of being dehydrated.

If you have any doubts at all, it’s often best to assume that your pet needs more fluids before trying anything else out. This can mean a few extra trips to the water bowl during the day, but it’s better than dealing with a serious health problem.

How Much Water Should a Chihuahua Drink?

The amount of water that a Chihuahua needs to drink each day will vary, depending on his age. Here is how much water your Chihuahua should drink for each stage of his life:

Chihuahuas 4-8 Weeks Old:

At around 3 weeks of age, Chihuahuas’ mothers will begin to wean them off of her milk which is high in fat. At this point, your dog should be drinking small amounts of water (about 1/4 cup) twice a day.

How Much Water Should a Chihuahua Drink at 8 Weeks Old?

Cocoa the Chihuahua puppy should drink about 2/3 cup of water per day.

Chihuahuas 9-12 Weeks Old:

By the time they are 3 months old, Chihuahuas should be drinking about 1/2 cup of water per day.

How Much Water Should a 4-Pound Chihuahua Drink? By 8 Months Old:

Your Chihuahua should be drinking about 1.5 cups of water per day by the time he is 8 months old.

Chihuahuas Older than 12 or 13 Months:

By the time they are 1 year old, Chihuahuas should be drinking around 2 cups of water per day.

When your dog reaches between one and two years of age, you should increase his water intake to 2-3 cups per day.

How to Calculate How Much Water Your Chihuahua Needs

It is very important that you give the required amount of water for good health. A good general rule is 1/8 cup per pound of body weight. There are also other factors that will affect how much your chihuahuas need; the type of food, age, activity level, and condition (normal or pregnant). If your dog will be outside at all during hot summer days, then double the normal amount of water he drinks so dehydration doesn’t occur.

Your Puppy’s Diet will Affect How Much He Drinks

If you switch to canned food, he’ll need to drink more water. Canned food has the same amount of nutrients, but there is much more liquid in canned foods than in dry food.

If you switch your dog to a better quality (and therefore healthier) dry dog food, he will not have to drink as much water in order to get his needed daily nutrition. It’s an added expense for sure, but it is worth it in the long run for your chihuahua’s health and longevity!

Other Factors that Affects How Much Water Your Chihuahua Needs

A chihuahua should have plenty of water available whenever he eats, drinks or plays. He also should have fresh water to drink at other times during the day.

Weather Conditions Affect Your Chihuahua’s Water Intake

On hot days your dog may require more water than usual because dogs cool themselves primarily by panting and consequently lose a great deal of water in their breath.

Diet Affects How Much Your Chihuahua Drinks

A healthy adult chihuahua will drink about 1/2 to 3/4 cup of water per day. To provide this much water, you might need to give your chihuahuas more access to water sources, especially if you are feeding your dog dry food or canned food that does not contain as much moisture as other types of dog foods.


Puppies up to 4 months old should have free access to fresh drinking water at all times since they are growing rapidly and therefore require an increased intake of nutrients. Puppies from 4 months to 6 months of age will drink about 1/2 cup of water per day.

Once your puppy is over 6 months old, he can stay on this reduced amount for his entire life if you continue to feed him a healthy diet.

In addition to these general factors that affect how much water your chihuahuas need, there are other circumstances that may require modifications in the amounts mentioned above.


Be aware that some medications can cause dehydration. If your dog is eating too many salty foods or rich foods, then he may become dehydrated because these types of food are bad for dogs and they cannot hold as many fluids as less rich food can. Also, diarrhea caused by poor quality food will make the dog lose fluid along with the stool.

If your dog is vomiting because of a stomach bug, he will vomit the fluids from his body and become dehydrated unless you give him additional water to replace what was lost.

If you see that your dog has been drinking more than usual but still seems thirsty or lethargic, this could be a sign of an illness so call your vet immediately because it could mean that there is something wrong with your chihuahuas’ kidneys or liver.

Pregnancy and Lactation

Chihuahuas, like other dogs and humans, require a healthy amount of water. However, during pregnancy and lactation requirements increase due to the body’s demand for more fluids. It is important to monitor how much your chihuahua is drinking during this time.

You may notice an increased thirst in your female chihuahua while she’s pregnant or lactating. This happens because the growing fetus requires a great number of fluids and nutrients that must come from outside sources.

The best way to determine how much your chihuahua needs is to count the number of times she drinks each day over a period of several days. If she drinks no less than sixteen cups per day, you are probably in the clear.

What To Do If Chihuahua Is Not Drinking Water?

If she drinks significantly less than sixteen cups per day, it may be a sign that her body has become dehydrated. Dehydration can cause the body to go into shock and even result in death, so if your chihuahua is not drinking water at an appropriate rate then you must take action.

Your first step should be to find out the possible reason for low water consumption. To do this:

Solve Health Issues

Make sure there is no underlying health issue related to thirst (kidney disease and diabetes are common problems associated with dehydration).

Keep an eye on your dog’s behavior. If his activities have been significantly reduced or he seems lethargic, he may have a problem other than thirst.

Seek medical attention if you believe your pet is suffering from a health issue other than thirst. Call your vet to make sure there is nothing wrong.

Adding Pedialyte

If you have ruled out health issues as the cause of low water consumption, it may be time to help hydrate your chihuahua. One way of doing this is by adding Pedialyte or another rehydration solution into his drinking water.

This should not replace the amount of water that he normally consumes but it will provide him with electrolytes and nutrients which are vital to helping him rehydrate.

Adding Gatorade Powder

Try adding Gatorade powder to her food instead of water if she isn’t interested in liquids either. Unfortunately, because dehydration can be fatal, these steps may only help increase her intake temporarily.

Contact your vet immediately if this is the case and they will advise you of other steps that can be taken to improve your chihuahua’s water intake.

How To Know Your Chihuahua Needs Water?

You can know that your chihuahua needs water by the following processes:

Your Chihuahua will usually let you know when she needs water. But it is also a good idea to check her for dehydration before taking any preventative measures. Some signs of dehydration are dry mouth, lack of elasticity in the skin, and sunken eyes.

Check Her Gum

Another sure-fire way to tell if your chihuahua is dehydrated is by checking her gums for color. The usual healthy pink should be replaced with a light blue or dark red which are both signs of dehydration.

When you are testing for this make sure her mouth is closed. So you are only checking the color on her gums rather than the texture of the inside of her mouth which may give an inaccurate reading due to saliva.

Dry Mouth

A sure sign of dehydration is dry mouth. If your chihuahua’s mouth feels sticky or tacky, she likely needs water. This could be the result of her body expelling excess water in an attempt to maintain balance. Having a dry mouth can also indicate other illnesses. So if symptoms persist contact your vet for advice.

Sunken Eyes

Another sign that you may not be able to see but will notice when petting your chihuahua is sunken eyes. Dehydration causes the eyelids to become heavy.

It can also almost feel glued shut at times because excess fluids are being excreted through tears in order to maintain equilibrium. Again, if onset symptoms don’t go away it is best to call your vet for advice.

Lack of Elasticity in the Skin

Lastly, if your chihuahua’s skin has become wrinkled and shows no elasticity she may be dehydrated. When a dog becomes dehydrated its body restricts blood flow to organs which causes the skin to lose its turgor (the ability to puff up).

To test this run your hand down your chihuahua’s side watch for it to return to normal rather than stay flattened as you would expect with stick straight hair or an already flat animal like a Shih Tzu.

Do Chihuahuas Drink a Lot of Water?

Yes! Because they have tiny bodies that rapidly lose water through evaporation, birth rates above two puppies per litter, outdoor temperatures above eighty degrees Fahrenheit, and exercise, chihuahuas need to drink more water than other dogs.

How to Tell if Your Chihuahua is Drinking Too Much, Too Little, or Enough Water?

While it can be hard to tell if your chihuahua is drinking enough water it may become easier as they age and their metabolism slows down. If you are ever unsure about whether your pet needs additional fluids contact your veterinarian for advice.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

What Is the Best Way To Get My Dog To Drink More Water?          

It is very important that you encourage your dog to drink water throughout their lives by providing fresh bowls of clean water at all times.

And also not limiting playtime because this activity encourages thirst. It is also important to stay on top of the water drinking schedule.

Be sure that your dog’s water dish is always filled. It is actually more effective if you refill the bowl every time they drink.

Even if it means having multiple bowls around your house. If your dog still refuses to drink contact your veterinarian immediately.

What Should I Do If My Dog Is Not Drinking Water?                

Contact your veterinarian immediately; this can be a sign of several illnesses including intestinal blockages and renal failure.

When reporting your issue make sure to include information about how long drinking has been irregular, what kind of bottle or bowl he usually drinks from, whether or not there are other dogs in the household, and anything else that would seem relevant. Your vet will ask you for this information. So it is good to collect it beforehand to save time.  

How Do I Know If My Chihuahua Is Dehydrated?

As previously indicated by the article, there are several telltale signs of dehydration that you can look out for when interacting with your pup to determine if she needs water.

It is especially important to note what her normal behavior is like. The last time she drank so that any deviation from either of these factors can be quickly addressed.

What Are Some Tips On How To Get Water Into A Chihuahua Or Toy Dog?               

Some toy dogs refuse to drink water because they are scared or don’t know-how. You can try giving them homemade treats to eat while slowly dripping water into their mouth. Mixing peanut butter with water is also a good idea.

Take your dog out for long walks and make sure to give her plenty of small training sessions (walk five laps, drink some water). Always keep fresh clean bowls of water around the house so she has access all day.


In conclusion, your Chihuahua needs lots of love and care. By following the advice in this article you will ensure that your Chihuahua lives a long and happy life full of fun activities with plenty of water to drink.

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