Does Chihuahua Attack Children? Mistakes You Might Make

Does Chihuahua Attack Children

There is no doubt that Chihuahua has been slowly growing into a modern dog breed. Chihuahua is famous for its small size, making it an excellent choice for people with limited living space or who prefer smaller pets. In addition, being a great family dog, this breed is less likely to show aggression. But some owners still think Chihuahua is aggressive toward children and will attack them.

No, Chihuahuas don’t have the strength to attack or cause serious harm to children. However, it is essential for parents who have Chihuahua puppies or young ones to be aware of the breed’s size so that they can keep Chihuahuas away from small children. In addition, these puppies are naturally curious and playful, meaning they may nip or bite a child in an attempt to play with them.

Today, in this article, we will dig deeper into the prospects of Chihuahua attacking children. We hope it settles the queries of new Chihuahua owners.

Chihuahua Behavior:

Chihuahua is one of the most loyal breeds. They are very loving and affectionate with their owners. But it can also become fiercely protective if someone threatens them or their owner in any way. These dogs tend to bark at strangers rather than run away from them, which causes people to think Chihuahua is aggressive.

Moreover, like most dog breeds, Chihuahua is active, energetic, and playful. Therefore, they will not do well if you leave them alone for long hours.

So, you need to provide them with something to keep them busy while you are away, like chew toys or interactive games. It will help to control Chihuahua behavior.

Chihuahua also loves to play with children, but parents need to teach their kids how to act around dogs and approach Chihuahua, not startle them or cause any physical harm.

Does Chihuahua Attack Children?

No, Chihuahuas do not attack children. But they may be more likely to bark at or nip a child if they misbehave around them.

Chihuahuas that you socialize with kids from an early age tend to get along better with children of all ages and sizes. It also includes toddlers who are still learning to interact with dogs appropriately.

Trained dogs are more likely to enjoy the company of children. They will be less inclined to nip or bark at a child making noise, moving around too much, or handling them inappropriately.

Generally, the Chihuahua is defensive and will try to scare off a threat by barking and nipping. So, the children who do not know their Chihuahua and do not respect their boundaries can get a Chihuahua to attack them. Therefore, teaching your kid how to interact with the dog before introducing them is best.

What Are The Ground Rules To Teach Your Children?

Teaching your child proper behavior is very important. Chihuahuas are not dogs that will attack children because of their size. But they need to know how to behave around them.

Chihuahuas don’t bark or growl, which makes them great for families with small kids who have other pets in their house as well.

Still, there are some rules that you should teach your children beforehand so that you can prevent Chihuahua attacks:

Don’t Let Children Tease Chihuahuas

They don’t like it, and you never know when they might snap! Chihuahuas are very emotional dogs, so ensure your kids understand how to behave around them. Chihuahua owners need to teach their children the basics of respecting another living creature’s space, limitations, and physical boundaries. These dogs are very sensitive and jumpy, so they might feel threatened if your child is too rough.

Don’t Let Them Eat Or Drink Near Chihuahua Food And Water Dishes.

Chihuahuas don’t like sharing their stuff. Make sure that your children understand this rule to prevent their attacks. Chihuahuas are also very territorial. So if your child teases them while eating and drinking, they might get mad.

These dogs might even snap and attack your child if they think you are taking their food away. So Chihuahua owners need to ensure that their kids know how important it is not to interfere with Chis’s eating or drinking habits.

Don’t Let Them Disturb Chihuahua While Sleeping.

Chihuahuas don’t like waking up by someone, especially when napping. As a result, they will become grumpy and might even attack your child because of it.

Chihuahua owners need to teach their kids not to disturb them when sleeping or resting so the dog won’t feel threatened. These dogs can get very aggressive, but Chihuahua owners must teach their children.

Make Sure That They Know Not To Pull Chis Tail Or ears.

Chihuahuas get very nervous and even aggressive when kids do this, so make your child understand how important it is to respect Chihuahuas’ boundaries.

Chihuahuas are fragile dogs; their owners must ensure their kids know this. They will become stressed and might even lash out in fear if they think something is wrong with them.

So the owners should teach their children how important it is not to do these things for the dog not feel threatened or hurt by them.

What Leads Chihuahua To Attack Children?

Chihuahua is a prevalent dog breed; Chihuahuas are fiercely loyal to their owners and often do not kindly strangers. However, attacking children Chihuahua is not always the case. Nevertheless, there are some reasons why your Chihuahua might attack children are:

  • Chihuahuas are very territorial and aggressive towards children they perceive as intruders or threats. They may not like the actions of strangers, including children, because it scares them.
  • They can feel threatened or stressed by children who are too rough, loud, or big for Chihuahua’s comfort level.
  • Chihuahuas might be uncomfortable around kids because someone has abused them in the past.
  • The dogs you have not adequately socialized as puppies may fear and distrust people, including children.
  • Sometimes children seem to touch Chihuahua in a way that Chihuahuas find uncomfortable; Chihuahuas may attack children because they are trying to defend themselves.

How Can You Prevent Chihuahua Attacks?

There are a few simple strategies to help Chihuahuas and children coexist safely. These include:


You should supervise children when Chihuahuas are around, especially if they’re meeting for the first time. Even dogs living with kids without problems may need you to supervise during the first few times they meet. Chihuahuas are tiny, but they can inflict much damage when it comes time to protect themselves.


It would help if you socialized Chihuahuas with children from an early age to learn how to behave around each other without fear or aggression.

For example, they need to know how to play nicely with children and should be trained not to jump up on them or grab their clothing.

Likewise, children old enough should learn what is expected from them so that Chihuahuas don’t feel threatened by rude behavior.


Chihuahua owners should have a set of guidelines in place to help Chihuahuas and children understand what is allowed.

These dogs’ caretakers must monitor any interactions between their pets and other people’s kids so that no mishaps occur.

It is best to keep these dogs on leash when off the owner’s property, especially if small children are around who might provoke Chihuahua aggression.


Vaccination does not stop Chihuahua’s attack but prevents the prospective danger after the attack. So, it would help to vaccinate Chihuahuas against common diseases that spread through bites, such as rabies and distemper.

The vaccinations help protect both Chihuahuas and their future owners from infectious diseases. Spaying or neutering Chihuahuas is also crucial. It allows the owners to avoid aggressive behavior, roaming, and mating with other Chihuahuas, leading to more unwanted puppies.


Chihuahuas are great dogs, but every dog has a unique personality. For example, some Chihuahuas do not make good pets for children; Chihuahuas believe they are dominant and may want to fight with the child to show their dominance.

If a Chihuahua is acting aggressively towards children, you should not leave them around until they change their behavior. Moreover, training Chihuahuas to be around children is an excellent idea because Chihuahuas are curious and intelligent. And the best way to do so it getting help from Chihuahua trainers.

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