Do Chihuahuas Ever Calm Down? Scary But Cute

Do Chihuahuas Ever Calm Down?

Chihuahuas are energetic, lively, and always on the go. It can get frustrating if you have a Chihuahua that is not behaving properly. Chihuahuas are a high-energy dog breed that some owners might get quite the handful. They have an innate need to run around, which is not always ideal in smaller homes or apartments. If you’re wondering, “Do Chihuahuas ever calm down?” this article will help answer your question!

No, Chihuahuas rarely calm down! They will always be bouncy and tuned into anything going on around them. So, one solution is to find a way for him to get his energy out (whether that means running around the backyard, playing fetch, or chasing a laser light.) Particularly high-energy dogs might even respond well to brief training sessions throughout the day – 10 minutes of vigorous exercise per session is enough.

The age at which Chihuahuas calm down will vary depending on who you ask, but they usually do so once they turn two years of age. In general, most Chihuahuas have one major burst of energy in adolescence or when they’ve been cooped up inside for too long.

This article will discuss what to do when your Chihuahua goes out of control and discipline them to calm down your furry friend!

Do Chihuahuas Ever Calm Down?

No, Chihuahuas do not typically calm down. They may be all over the place as soon as they are awake from their sleep period, which can prove difficult if one doesn’t have much space at home.

It is a myth that Chihuahuas will never calm down. On the contrary, many Chihuahuas are calmer than other dogs their size. Before you get started on things, it is necessary for you to know that: Chihuahuas are aggressive dogs naturally.

It is essential to be patient with your dog and not give up on it too quickly. Chihuahua has an innate need to run around, which may not be ideal in smaller homes or apartments.

Having space for your dog to get out some of its energy is essential. In addition, it is always best to start training in the early stages.

If you teach your Chihuahua right away what behaviors are OK and which aren’t, it will save much time later on when they become adults. Or else, you will find your Chihuahuas chewing your shoes once in a while.

A solution would be getting the ChiChi involved in some activity, such as capturing its attention with a laser pointer. If this does not work, one may need to consider taking the dog out for long walks or running around the neighborhood.

Chihuahua Training Tips: Do’s And Don’ts

Patience Is Key When It Comes To Dog-Training – Learn How!

Chihuahuas are among the most challenging breeds, so it is essential to know precisely how to train them.

There are many different ways that Chihuahuas can become out of control or misbehave. Therefore, it is essential to recognize the triggers that can cause a Chihuahua’s behavior.

One of the biggest causes of dog behavior problems, including aggression and biting, is separation anxiety. It happens when dogs become stressed from being away from their owners or home environment.

Another common problem with these tiny breeds is fear issues that can worsen when not properly taken care of.

It is essential to be aware that Chihuahuas are a breed that can quickly go out of control. So, owners must know how to manage their behavior to avoid these problems from happening.

In addition, training them using positive reinforcement methods has been known to be the most effective, mainly when you carry them out promptly.

I recommend getting your dog spayed or neutered at an early age to avoid problems with their hormones later on down the road.

What To Do To Calm Down Your Chihuahua?

One way to calm down a chihuahua is with music therapy. Classical or soft instrumental tunes will bring your pup into a relaxed state. You can use it as leverage for training and discipline.

The only time that Chihuahuas ever seem to calm down is when they sleep; however, there might still be some anxiety behind those closed eyes.

There are several other things that you can do when your Chihuahua starts acting up, including:

  • Take the dog for a walk (a short one) outside to get rid of some energy; this will also help with house training
  • Take away the source of excitement
  • Put a basket muzzle on your dog to stop him from biting, but only use it as a short-term solution and never leave him alone with it for more than five minutes.

What Age Does A Chihuahua Calm Down?

In general, the Chihuahua will not calm down until it is about three years old. After this point, they may become more relaxed and loving towards their owners. However, some dogs do not seem to “calm down,” making them more challenging to manage.

It is a myth that Chihuahuas will never calm down. Like any dog, a Chihuahua will get older and mature with time.

The signs of aging in a Chihuahua are gray hair between the eyes, slower reactions to outside stimuli, and age spots on the fur.

In general, most Chihuahuas have one major burst of energy in adolescence or when they’ve been cooped up inside for too long.

What Causes Chihuahua To Go Out-Of-Control?

Breeders that breed runts without temperament or health are sold to unsuspecting owners. They do not know how lucky they got with their cute little puppy. The adult dog will probably be more complex than an average-sized dog in many ways.

Several things can cause this, including:

Not Enough Exercise

If you own a dog and do not treat him or exercise him correctly, it is bound to get restless and go out of control. These dogs are energetic as it comes, so they need to blow off some steam, or else you will see them going out of the way to show you what they can do.

It is necessary for you to train them, play with them, take them to the park, or playdate with other dogs. It is necessary for these small balls of furs to get proper exercise so that these dogs don’t make your house their personal playground or battleground, if we are being honest.

Inadequate Training

If you have read all the Chihuahua training articles and still cannot get your dog to stop barking, it is a sign that you are not commanding enough respect or he does not understand what you want. In this case, professional help might be necessary to become obedient.

Lack Of Training

If you have a smaller chihuahua puppy, it might be cute when he barks at strangers or jumps on you to grab your attention. However, as the dog matures and gets bigger, small behaviors will turn into big ones. That can cause trouble for everyone involved.

Inadequate Socialization

Chihuahuas are naturally timid creatures, just like cats tend to be. Therefore when you get a Chihuahua, you must expose him to many people and other dogs to grow up well-adjusted.

Abnormal Temperament

Some chihuahuas have genetic problems or abnormal temperaments. It causes them to go out-of-control of from time to time.

Lack Of Vitamin B And Calcium

Chihuahuas are tiny in stature, but they need big doses of vitamins and minerals like calcium, vitamin b, or zinc to live a healthy life where their bones do not break easily due to the lack thereof. This is especially important for smaller breeds like Chihuahua.

How To Calm A Chihuahua Who Is Going Out-Of-Control?

Chocolate, bananas, and avocados are some of the most dangerous threats to dogs. These foods can cause them to get hyperactive or go out of control, so it is essential not to feed your dog any of these things, even if you think they look delicious.

In addition, make sure to give your dog plenty of exercises each day to help them calm down and relax. You can do this best by taking them for a walk or playing with their favorite toy together whenever possible. If you have children in the house, it’s important not to let them play around with your dog when they are excited.

If you find that your Chihuahua is out of control or tends to bark a lot, it’s important not to punish them because this will only worsen the problem and could even be potentially dangerous for both of you.

Instead, try giving them some toys, such as squeaky balls, to play with, and ensure you provide them with all the love they need whenever you get a chance.


In conclusion, there are many things that you can do to help your Chihuahua calm down. It is important. However, it has patience with them because they will always be puppies at heart!

Chihuahuas tend to go out of control because of various factors such as age or genetics. Still, there are things that you can do to calm your dog down, like exercising, not feeding them certain foods, and avoiding rough playtime with children.

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