How To Communicate With My Chihuahua?

How To Communicate With My Chihuahua

Are you a dog owner? Do you have a Chihuahua pup in your home and want to learn how to communicate with them? If so, then this blog post is for you!

You should consider several things to effectively communicate with your Chihuahua, such as the voice tone, the pitch of the voice, what context to set before communicating with them (e.g., if they need food or water), and whether or not hands/signals could help aid in communication (e.g., giving them treats), and lastly but most importantly facial expressions and body movements.

In this article, I will discuss different ways that you can use successfully interact or communicate with your little furry friend.

How Can You Communicate With Your Chihuahua?

You might already know how your Chihuahua communicates with you. If not, check out my article. It is essential you should also know how to communicate with your Chihuahua.

Mixed signals can confuse the Chihuahua and train it differently. Hence, it would help if you learned what to do when communicating with your Chihuahua.


The first way to communicate with your Chihuahua is using a voice tone. The most effective tone that should be used when communicating with them would have a high pitch and slow pace, as this tends to reflect the “happy” emotion of you being in their company. In addition, it can also help soothe them if they are feeling anxious or nervous.


One of the first things that you should be aware of when trying to talk with your Chihuahua is the tone of voice you should use.

This will depend on a few factors: their age, personality, and whether or not they are feeling threatened. But, generally speaking, a softer and more calming voice should work.

Tone can even be used to identify if the Chihuahua is in pain! If you are with them and they start whimpering, it might indicate something isn’t right (e.g., an injury). Henceforth, I recommend taking them to a veterinary clinic ASAP for further medical examinations if this occurs.


The pitch of your voice is also important when communicating with your Chihuahua. The tone and the pitch of your voice should be in sync with each other. This will help convey the message that you are trying to send across more effectively.

A high-pitched, gentle voice will usually work best when interacting with a chihuahua, especially if they feel anxious or scared. The pitch of your voice should also reflect happiness when communicating with your Chihuahua.

However, there may be times when they feel anxious/nervous, requiring lower pitches of sound (rather than high-pitched ones) so as not to make their anxiety worse during those particular moments.

Context Before Communicating With Your Chihuahuas

Before communicating with your Chihuahua, it is important to set the right context. This means that you should provide them with what they need before starting a conversation. For example,

  • if they are hungry, then give them food first
  • Likewise, if they want water, give them a drink
  • if they need to go to the bathroom, take them outside
  • if they need to relax and unwind, give them a toy or place them somewhere quiet.

One way of effectively engaging in communication with your Chihuahua is by understanding their needs before trying to talk to them.

You can do this by studying their body language and noticing when they are in a relaxed or comfortable state, as this would be the best time to start communicating with them using voice tone and words.

In contrast, if you approach them when they display signs of anxiety (e.g., ears back, cowering), it might not be the best time to communicate with them verbally as they may misinterpret your words and could end up being fearful of you instead.

You must respect your Chihuahua’s feelings and only try to communicate with them when they appear calm and happy around you!

Using Hands/ Signals When Communicating

One of the most common ways dog owners communicate with their pups is by using hand signals (e.g., giving treats or scratching behind an ear).

While this isn’t necessarily “speaking” in the traditional sense, it can still be very effective at conveying messages successfully to your Chihuahua!

These sorts of non-verbal cues tend to work so well when communicating with dogs such as Chihuahuas because they are pack animals who naturally understand body language. It includes hand gestures and other forms of physical communication.

For example, if you want your Chihuahua to follow your lead, it might be worth trying the following: raise one hand in front of them while crouching down so they can see what you are doing.

If this gets their attention and they walk over towards you, try gently stroking their head with your other hand, as this can signify affection for dogs.

Henceforth, it is important to bear in mind that Chihuahuas are highly intelligent and can understand signs/ gestures given by their owners during communication!

One example would be the “go-to” head scratch – which conveys feelings of happiness and comfort when used appropriately with your Chihuahua.

Using Facial Expressions When Communicating With Your Chihuahua

Besides using voice tone or hand gestures when communicating with your Chihuahua, facial expressions might also work well. Especially if you know what specific emotions look like on a human face (e.g., happy vs. sad).

For instance: a smiling face will usually communicate happiness, whereas a frowning face will usually represent sadness.

On the other hand, if you want to show your Chihuahua that you are feeling nervous or scared, it might be worth scrunching up your nose and pulling back on the skin underneath it (e.g., the skin between the eyes).

This is an expression that humans can easily use. But it may confuse dogs who do not understand what these movements mean!

Similarly, when communicating with your Chihuahua during playtime or petting sessions, make direct eye contact with them for longer periods; this has been shown to display positive feelings such as affection towards them in most cases.

However, there are times when they get anxious about having too much eye contact. So be aware of their body language and stop if you see them getting tense or uncomfortable.

Body Movements When Communicating

Apart from facial expressions and hand signals, another way to communicate with your Chihuahua is by using your body movements.

For example, when you are standing up tall, it might show dominance over them. It could result in a fearful reaction – such as crouching down.

Conversely, if you lower yourself down to the ground, this might show that you are being submissive to them. Therefore, they may perceive it as a positive sign.

Use open body postures when communicating with your Chihuahua, as these tend to convey friendliness and trustworthiness.

On the other hand, you might try avoiding closed-off body postures (e.g., balling up your fists), as these tend to communicate nervousness or aggression in most cases!

Scents and How They Play Into Communication

Finally, their sense of smell is another thing to consider when trying to communicate with your Chihuahua. Dogs (including Chihuahuas) have a much stronger sense of smell than humans do. Therefore, they can interpret various smells in different contexts.

For example, if you take them for a walk and come across another dog on the street, your Chihuahua might react differently depending on how you smell.

If you act scared or nervous around the other dog, your Chihuahua will likely become scared, too – even if they can’t see the other dog! On the other hand, if you act happy and excited, your Chihuahua is more likely to react positively too.


When should I not try to communicate with my Chihuahua?

There are certain situations where barking and growling are a sign of submission. It means that your Chihuahua might perceive you as trying to be dominant over them. Such as when they bark at strangers or other dogs!

Henceforth, in these cases, we recommend avoiding communication until the situation has calmed down (e.g., for some time).

How do I know if my Chihuahua is trying to communicate with me?

You can tell whether they are communicating with you in several ways. It includes observing their facial expressions and looking for warning signs such as growling.

When it comes down to it, though, the best way would be by paying close attention when they interact with others around them.

If they seem comfortable, then there’s a good chance that they’re just playing. If they appear stressed, this could mean something has upset them/ made them uncomfortable.


In conclusion, communication with your Chihuahua is essential to maintain a good relationship. By understanding their facial expressions, body movements, and sense of smell, you can better understand what they are trying to say. Whether it be during playtime or when encountering strangers!

When communicating with your Chihuahua, they must be aware of their facial expressions and body language. Chihuahuas use various forms of communication to get their point across – such as barking, growling, and scenting.

It’s also important to pay attention to their behavior around others. Look out for warning signs that they may be uncomfortable or stressed.

By doing so, you’ll be able to understand your Chihuahua better and have a better relationship with them.

Good Luck!!

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