11 Reasons Why Chihuahuas Put Their Paws On You

11 Reasons Why Chihuahuas Put Their Paws On You

Chihuahuas are tiny and adorable, but they can be pretty demanding. And pawing is their way of stating their demands. Unfortunately, though owners are not unaware of this behavior, they fail to understand the deeper prospects of this simple act. So, don’t you want to know the reasons why Chihuahuas put their paws on you?

Some of the most common reasons why Chihuahuas put their paws on you are for attention, to be cute, to show dominance, to ask for toys or food, and for protection. Though this behavior can sometimes be somewhat frustrating because Chihuahuas want something all the time, they are only trying to communicate with you in their way.

Here is my take on this behavior; I tried including all the common reasons why Chihuahuas might put their paws on you. I hope it helps.

Do Chihuahuas Put Their Paws On Others?

Chihuahuas are aggressive and natural hunters, so they have an innate desire to be leaders. Therefore, if you allow them to put their paws on you, then it means that they are in charge.

They will be happy with this arrangement because your dog trusts you. However, if Chihuahua puts his paw when he is not supposed to (such as on your face), then you are not doing an excellent job establishing yourself as a leader.

Further, Chihuahuas are social creatures, so they like being close and touching you. It is not limited to placing their paws on you and includes licking your face or hands. Don’t worry; you can calm down your Chihuahua when they act out.

When Chihuahua puts its paw on you, the dog wants more contact with her owner. They are communicating this need by using touch. It might be difficult for people who dislike being touched when a loving Chihuahua constantly wants to feel its owner.

8 Reasons Why Chihuahuas Put Their Paws On You

There are numerous reasons why Chihuahuas put their paws on you. These reasons can range from being needy to exhibiting trust and affection towards the owners.

To Demand Attention:

It is one of the most common reasons why Chihuahuas put their paws on you. They have a powerful sense of self and know what they want from life. So if your pup wants some time with you, it will just come to you and place its paws on your lap or legs. You can’t miss it when they want your attention.

To Show Love And Affection:

Chihuahuas are highly loving creatures, so they will often put their paws on you to show that the bond between them and you is vital.

For example, they might place a paw on your clothes or lap for comfort during times of distress or show you how much they love and appreciate everything you do for them.

To Be Dominant:

If your pup is trying to establish dominance over you, it will put its paws on you to mark the territory where it lives. This happens quite often with pups during their developmental stages and can sometimes carry into adulthood.

They might also put their paws on you when they feel threatened or insecure somehow, so it’s important always to give them the support they need during these instances. Chihuahua will even chew your shoes just to get your attention and show dominance.

To Demand Food:

Like some pets beg for food while their owners are eating, Chihuahuas will put their paws on you to get your attention and demand food.

This is especially common with pups who haven’t yet been trained not to do this when humans are trying to eat or enjoy dinner.

If they want something, they will find a way to get it, so you might as well give them what they wish before things escalate.

For Asking Their Favorite Toys:

Does your pup want a toy? If it does, you will probably notice that they put their paws on things to tell you what they want.

However, it is dangerous if they put their paw on something that belongs to another family member or causes damage in another way.

Hence, limiting giving them items they can take from you is crucial, not giving them a second thought. They might want to play games like frisbee or tug-a-war with you. Understand what they are trying to say. Their way of communication is unique yet so loving.

For Security And Assurance:

When your pup feels insecure or worried, they will put their paws on you to make themselves feel better. This often happens when the owner has left them home alone for too long, which can cause some anxiety in Chihuahuas. Limiting small dogs at home by themselves is vital so that this doesn’t happen often.

Because They Miss You:

When your pup is left home alone for too long, they will often become very distressed and begin to miss you. So they might put their paws on the owner to get a little comfort when the owner returns.

If this happens to you, you must limit leaving them at home by themselves not to feel this way. But, on the other hand, putting a paw on you might be how Chihuahua shows their love for you.

When You Ask For It:

If you ask your pup to put their paws on something, they will do it. You can do this with treats for training purposes to teach the dogs how to act around humans. It’s important not to make too big of a deal and just let them know they did well whenever possible.

Your Chihuahua Frequently Put Their Paws On You: Is It Good Or Bad?

Putting their paws on you is a way for your Chihuahua to show affection. This may be the only time they ever get close enough to touch you, so make sure it’s welcome.

Moreover, there are both pros and cons of Chihuahua pawing you. For example, it may be cute, but they are always trying to get your attention. Therefore, although pawing helps you earn trust and get closer to your Chihuahua, it is also a bad habit.

For example:

  • They may learn to paw for attention and use this behavior at the wrong time;
  • Chihuahuas don’t know when enough is enough; they want more and more;
  • It may not be delightful for you to have a Chihuahua that always wants your attention.   
  • Many bacteria and parasites may live on the ground, and dogs often get them into their paws. These pass to people when they touch their feet.
  • Too frequent pawing can also lead to injuries. If your Chihuahua paws too often, you may have scratches on the skin.

How To Stop Chihuahua From Putting Their Paws On You?

When you adopt a Chihuahua, they may paw at your leg or hand. Is it cute? Yes! But why do dogs paw to get attention? Understanding their behavior is the first step in correcting any problems that might arise from this adorable habit.

However, some of the things that you can do to stop your Chihuahua from putting its paws on you are:

Train Your Chihuahua

One of the best ways to stop your Chihuahua from putting their paws on you is to train them. First, teach them proper behavior and what you want out of it. Then, it will be a good foundation for future training sessions that might help correct unwanted behaviors, such as this one.

When they start to paw you, say “no” and gently push their paws off. Do this each time until they know that it is not appropriate behavior.

Give Them Attention On Their Terms

Your Chihuahua might be using these behaviors because they don’t get enough attention from you daily. For example, maybe you are at work when they need to go out, or you don’t have time in the morning to give them a good belly rub.

Make sure that your Chihuahua gets enough attention from you each day. If they feel ignored, their only way of getting it is through behaviors like this. Before going to work, make sure that you take them out or get up early enough to give them some attention.

Be Consistent With Your Training

When training your Chihuahua to stop putting their paws on you, you both must be consistent. If the behavior only gets corrected half of the time, they will think that there are certain times that it is appropriate, and you will not correct them.

Give Them Lots Of Opportunities To Be Corrected

Sometimes your Chihuahua might be pawing at you because they are unsure if it is correct or not. Instead of pushing their paws away, take this time to give lots of praise and petting for doing good things like sitting nicely instead.

Once they know that you are pleased with them for changing their behavior, it will be easier to correct any unwanted behaviors.

Socialize Your Small Dog Early On In Life

When dogs lack socialization, they can become anxious and lash out. This is one of the reasons why most dogs start to misbehave when they are older.

Socializing with other dogs as soon as possible helps your Chihuahua learn that it’s okay for them not to be the center of attention at all times.


Lastly, Chihuahuas have a magnetic personality that draws you in. They are sweet, adorable, and tend to be very social animals who love human interaction. They want to love and attention from their owners.

There is so much more about these dogs beyond being little. Chihuahuas are great dogs for people who want an active, curious companion. If you love small pets and have the time to care for one, a chihuahua is perfect!

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