13 Reasons Why My Chihuahua Looks Sad? Ways To Overcome

why is my chihuahua sad

Dogs are often called man’s best friends. This is because they are loyal, loving, and always happy to see you. That is unless your dog always looks sad! If this sounds like your pooch, read on for real reasons why they might be feeling down and tips to make them happy again! Why Does My Chihuahua Looks Sad?

Ever wonder why your Chihuahua always looks so sad? It could be because they are just relaxing, or maybe you reward them for looking sad. It may be genetic, learned behavior, pain, feeling blue, or bored. The truth is there are many reasons why your dog can look sad. The good news is that we have real reasons (and solutions) to make them happy again!

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Why Does My Chihuahua Always Look Sad? Reasons Why Your Chihuahua Always Looks Sad

There can be various reasons why your Chihuahua looks sad. We will go over real reasons your dog might always look down in the dumps.

They’re Just Relaxing

If your Chihuahua always looks sad, it could be because they are just relaxing. Dogs have a natural “sleepy” face that makes them look grumpy when at rest. So the next time you take a picture of your pup, get their eyes open!

You Reward Them For Looking Sad

Have you ever noticed yourself rewarding your pooch for looking sad? Unfortunately, this can create an even worse cycle where the more upset they are, the more likely we will give them affection or treats.

Don’t worry; this doesn’t mean everyone in your family has to ignore you whenever your dog looks down! Instead, try giving negative attention (scolding) by saying things like “no” to make them stop.


Is your Chihuahua always looking sad? This might be because of their genetics! While there isn’t a specific breed that looks grumpy all the time, some dogs have been bred more than others for certain traits, such as droopy eyes or wrinkled faces, which cause them to look unhappy.

Even when they are so excited and happy on the inside! It is important not to judge dogs by their appearance since dogs often express themselves differently from humans.

They Look Sad Based On Your Own Interpretation

Many animals can sense our feelings, including dogs. So if you’re feeling down in life, it could affect your dog, too, without either of you realizing it!

Dogs can easily pick up on how their owners are feeling. So if you’re always tense, your pup will likely mirror that energy.

Learned Behavior

Dogs learn best by observing the actions of those around them. For example, if your dog constantly sees you looking sad, they will start to mimic that behavior to try and please you.

This means that the more often you display sadness towards your pup, the more often they will look sad!

Health And Pain

Sometimes dogs just aren’t feeling well, leading to a permanent downturn in mood. If your dog has been lethargic, lost weight, isn’t eating or drinking as much as usual, has an abnormal bowel movement, is always licking a certain area, or is excessively panting, it might be because they are in pain. If this is the case, take them to the vet as soon as possible!

Feeling Blue

Similar to humans, dogs can also experience depression, which makes them look sad all the time. This could be due to a traumatic event such as being abandoned or losing a family member, or simply from lack of attention and interaction.

If you think your dog might be depressed, try bringing them out of their funk with more playtime, training sessions, and positive reinforcement!

Separation Anxiety

When we leave our dogs at home alone, they can start to feel anxious and scared. This often results in behaviors like whining, barking excessively, urinating, and defecating indoors.

If your dog is excessively anxious when you’re not around, it’s likely because they are afraid of being left alone. In this case, please consult a professional trainer or behaviorist to help ease their anxiety.


Dogs can get bored just like we do! When dogs are bored, they might start looking for ways to entertain themselves, which often includes tearing up furniture, barking incessantly, or chewing on shoes.

One way to combat boredom is by providing your pup with plenty of physical activity and mental and physical stimulation. This could include taking them on walks, playing fetch, giving them puzzle toys, or letting them watch animal channels on TV!

Not Enough Physical Activity

Dogs have a very high energy level, so they need to burn off that excess energy somehow. If you’re not providing them with enough mental and physical stimulation, your pooch might start looking sad as a protest!

Changes In Routine

If the daily routine for your dog changes drastically, it can cause them emotional distress. It results in behaviors like whining, barking excessively, chewing up objects, vomiting, and even urinating and defecating indoors.

One way to help ease the stress from changes in their schedule is by slowly making modifications over time instead of all at once. Another option is consulting with an animal behaviorist or trainer who can advise on how best to handle these situations.

Losing Family Member

Dogs can get attached to their family members just like we do, and when they lose someone, it can be very hard on them.

If your dog is constantly looking sad after a family member has passed away, try to provide them with as much love and attention as possible. You might also want to consider taking them to see a therapist who specializes in pet loss!


Some dogs fear everything, leading to them appearing sad all the time. This fear could be from loud noises, being around other people or animals, or even unfamiliar environments.

If you think your pup fears something, slowly expose them to that thing in a safe and controlled environment. This will help them familiarize themselves with it and eventually stop being scared.

There you have it, real reasons why your dog might always look sad! But don’t worry, there are plenty of ways to make them happy again. Try some of the tips we mention and see which works best for your pup!

How To Make Your Chihuahua Happy Again – Tips And Tricks On How They Can Stop Looking Sad All The Time

You can definitely change the mood of your Chihuahua. It is quite sad to see your pet being down. Thus, you can use these tricks and tips to make your Chihuahua happy again.

Take Them To The Vet

One way to make your dog happy is by taking them to the vet. Not only will this help you figure out if they are feeling sick or sad for another reason, but it can also be a great bonding experience!

Do Not Reinforce Undesired Behaviors

Another option is not rewarding your pooch when they exhibit behaviors like whining and barking excessively since these types of activities reinforce their bad behavior.

However, remember that dogs do what works, so rewarding attention-seeking behaviors could actually increase those actions in the future!

Bring Them Out Of Their Sadness

If none of these tips work, then consider consulting with an animal behaviorist who can provide advice based on your pup’s specific needs.

They might even prescribe medications that have calming effects, such as anti-anxiety or antidepressants, depending on the root cause of their sadness. Please consult your veterinarian before giving any medication to be sure it is safe.

Do Not Reward For Looking Sad

Do not reward them for looking sad when exhibiting undesired behaviors like whining or barking excessively since this reinforces their actions in the future.

Instead, take them to see a therapist specializing in pet loss if they constantly look sad after losing family members.

Physical Stimulation

Provide plenty of physical activity and mental and physical stimulation by taking them on walks, playing fetch, or even just letting them roam around the backyard, which in turn might make your Chihuahua smile and be happy.

Chihuahuas have a very high energy level, so they need to burn off that excess energy somehow. If you’re not providing them with enough mental and physical stimulation, your pooch might start looking sad as a protest!


So there you have it, real reasons why your dog might always look sad! But don’t worry, there are plenty of ways to make them happy again.

And remember to take them to the vet regularly for checkups to ensure they are healthy and happy! Love your Chihuahua and take them to places with you. You should give them equal physical exercise and exposure to the outside world to make them happy!

Check on them regularly so that they do not get sad. Give your chihuahuas proper space and time. And watch how they smile all the time!

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