Chihuahua Howling: Why Do They Howl?

Chihuahua Howling

Did you just see your Chihuahua Howling out of the blue? The questions sudden howling leaves behind is brain-wrecking. I had been there, and all I did was end up wondering if it was something I imagined or misheard. But sadly, it wasn’t, and I came to terms with the fact that the sound my Chihuahua made was howling. That’s when I started researching it. Do Chihuahua howl? What is Chihuahua saying with howling? Is it something I need to worry about? Is it this breed of dog’s typical behavior? However, many owners wonder why their Chihuahuas are howling all the time.

Chihuahuas are famous for their vocal nature, and howling is also part of their vocalizing journey. Hence, it is not that surprising that most dogs, including Chihuahua, are well-known for their propensity to howl. While the behavior is common, the pup’s constant vocalizing signals something is wrong with them. 

This blog post will also discuss ways to stop your Chihuahua from barking or howling too much and when you should be worried about their behavior. We will talk about what it means if your Chihuahua is howling, what makes them do so, and why they vocalize in general.

Chihuahua Howling

Howling is a loud, high-pitched sound that sounds almost like singing. Yodeling and whining are lower in pitch and often come from the throat rather than your dog’s chest.

Chihuahuas are vocal dogs, but this does not mean they are always howling or barking when you hear them. A Chihuahua can be vocal without making noise; instead, they might whine or yipe when you pet them or leave the house and do not want to go with you.

The next step will be to determine if you hear barking or howling and not yodeling or whining. If your Chihuahua is howling, you first need to take them for a check-up. The vet will rule out any issues with their health or behavior that might be causing this.

When your dog seems like they are in pain, this is another time that it will howl uncontrollably. If you notice any changes in their behavior, especially if they are howling more than usual, this is another reason to take them in for a check-up.

If your Chihuahua only vocalizes when you leave the house or during certain times like early morning or late at night, this could be because their breed has anxiety issues. On the other hand, this can sometimes mean howling out of loneliness or boredom.

Why Is My Chihuahua Howling?

There are many reasons a Chihuahua might start howling, and it is essential to determine the root cause before you can start working on stopping the behavior.

Keep in mind that some Chihuahuas like to howl, and nothing is necessarily wrong with them. However, taking them for a check-up is essential to rule out any health issues.

There can be many reasons why your Chihuahua is howling. Some of the most common causes include loneliness, boredom, separation anxiety, or extreme fear.


If your Chihuahua is howling when you leave the house or after dark, they might have anxiety and feel lonely or bored.

In this case, there are some simple things that you can do to stop the behavior, such as leaving a radio on for them, playing with toys while you are away, and giving them plenty of attention when you get home.

If your Chihuahua is howling after being dropped off at the groomer or vet, this could be due to fear or anxiety about what they will experience. Grooming for Chihuahuas can make them anxious and behave irrationally sometimes.

If their behavior seems different after you leave them at these places, it might be helpful to take them for a few visits before leaving them alone.


If your Chihuahua howls when they are in pain, then this is easy to fix—take them to the vet! If they are in any pain, the vet will help them get it under control.

Howling is also common in puppies who are teething. In this case, the howling will usually stop as they age, and their teeth ultimately come in.


If your Chihuahua is howling because they are bored, you will need to give them more activities and toys to keep them occupied. It might mean taking them for more walks or playing with them more often.


Chihuahuas can get lonely very quickly, which can sometimes lead to howling. If you think this might be the case with your dog, you can try leaving them some of their favorite toys or treats to keep them occupied. You can also consider getting another dog for them to play with.


If your Chihuahua is howling because they are scared, this will usually be accompanied by other behaviors such as cowering, shaking, or trying to hide. In this case, you will need to try and find out what is causing them fear and then slowly introduce them to that.

Health Issues

If your Chihuahua howls for no apparent reason, it might indicate that they are not feeling well. That’s why taking them for a check-up is essential if their howling does not seem to be related to any of the other reasons listed.


Some Chihuahuas might start howling when they are excited about a trip to the park or getting a new toy. However, it is not usually a problem if the howling does not become excessive.


Some Chihuahuas will start to howl when they want attention from their owners. If this is the case, you need to be sure to give your dog plenty of positive reinforcement when they are being quiet. Ignoring the howling will only make them want to do it more.

Other dogs in the household might be causing your Chihuahua to start howling since they are likely competing for attention from you and each other.

You can help stop this by giving all of your pets plenty of individual time with you instead of group playtime, where everyone wants to be the center of attention.

What Does It Mean If My Chihuahua Is Howling All The Time?

It is a situation that many small but mighty Chihuahua owners will find themselves in. Just like barking, howling is a way for your Chihuahua to communicate with you. So what does it mean if your Chihuahua is howling all the time?

A few different things could be causing your Chihuahua to howl constantly. The most common reasons are that your Chihuahua is anxious, scared, or excited.

If you’ve recently changed something in your home, like bringing in a new pet, moving to a new house, or started remodeling, your Chihuahua may be reacting to the change by howling. Loud noises like thunderstorms or fireworks may also cause your Chihuahua to howl.

If you’ve ruled out any of these possibilities, then there is a chance that your Chihuahua has some pain or discomfort, which he’s trying to let you know about by howling. If this is the case, it would be best to take him to see a vet.

It’s essential to keep in mind that Chihuahuas are often vocal dogs, so you may find your pet howling from time to time, even when there isn’t anything specific going on.

However, it is normal and nothing you should worry about too much unless it seems like he does this all the time or has other symptoms like excessive barking.

Can Chihuahua Howl Indicate Something?

Yes, as we mentioned before, howling is a way for your Chihuahua to communicate with you. So if your Chihuahua is howling all the time, he may be trying to tell you something.

If your Chihuahua is howling for no reason, or if his howling seems to worsen, it’s a good idea to take him to the vet. The vet can help you figure out what might be wrong with your Chihuahua and offer treatment options.

Howling can also be a sign of anxiety or stress in your Chihuahua. For example, suppose you notice your Chihuahua howling at the sound of a vacuum cleaner or when guests come to visit. In that case, he may be anxious and nervous in those situations.

Just like with other types of vocalization, if your Chihuahua has a history of howling or barking excessively, his behavior may be considered a nuisance. In these cases, you may need to take steps to curb your Chihuahua’s howling behavior.

Should I Worry About Chihuahua Howling?

It depends on the situation. If your Chihuahua is howling all the time for no reason, then you should be concerned and take action. However, if your Chihuahua only howls occasionally, it’s probably nothing to worry about.

Chihuahuas are known to be vocal dogs, so don’t be surprised if your little pup likes to howl. It’s just their way of communicating!

If your Chihuahua is howling all the time, or you notice a sudden change in his behavior, you must take him to the vet. The vet can help determine why he might be howling and offer treatment options.

If your Chihuahua is howling more than you’d expect, he may be trying to tell you something—especially if his behavior seems unusual for him.

While dogs will often vocalize when they’re excited (e.g., barking at the door when a guest arrives), Chihuahuas are more likely to howl than bark. So if your Chihuahua is howling excessively, it’s possible that he’s trying to tell you something is wrong.

Is Chihuahua Vocal?

Yes, Chihuahuas are considered to be a very vocal breed of dog. It means that they will bark and howl more than other breeds.

Generally speaking, dogs will vocalize when they’re bored, want something (e.g., food, attention), or are in pain or distress.


In conclusion, Chihuahua is barking or howling and not yodeling or whining. Howling is a loud, high-pitched sound that sounds almost like singing. Yodeling and whining are lower in pitch and often come from the throat rather than your dog’s chest.

If you’re still concerned about your Chihuahua’s howling, be sure to consult with your veterinarian. They can help you determine the root cause of the behavior and offer advice on stopping it. Thanks for reading!

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