Chihuahua Diseases, Prevention, Treatment: The Ultimate Guide

chihuahua diseases

Chihuahuas are one of America’s most popular dog breeds and for a good reason! They’re small, cute, and have great personalities. However, one thing you might not know about Chihuahuas is that they can get sick like any other breed. Let us see what prevention and treatment you can use for chihuahua diseases.

There are various diseases that your chihuahuas can suffer from. These can include dental problems, traumas, obesity, diabetes, etc. Furthermore, there are many preventive measures and treatments for these diseases. You should feed them properly and give them the necessary vaccines and exercise levels.

In this blog post, we will discuss some common diseases that chihuahuas can get along with prevention tips to help keep them healthy long-term.

Chihuahua Diseases

Chihuahuas can suffer from a variety of different diseases and health issues. For example, they are susceptible to dental problems like any other breed.

This includes tartar buildup and tooth decay, which lead to bad breath and mouth infections. In addition, Chihuahuas might also develop heart murmurs as they grow older.


Trauma that affects a Chihuahua’s lifespan includes car accidents, fights with other animals, or being kicked by people. These types of injuries can cause internal bleeding and organ damage. It could lead to death in some cases.


Obesity is another serious issue when Chihuahuas die early because they develop fatty tumors around their organs, such as the heart and liver. This makes them more susceptible to conditions like congestive heart failure or leukemia.

Patellar Luxation

Patellar luxation occurs when instability at the knee joint causes pain and lameness in dogs. At the same time, molera refers to having an open fontanelle on top of your dog’s head due to rapid bone growth from within.


This is a condition in which cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) accumulation within the brain. Signs can include vomiting, seizures, and blindness. If left untreated, it can lead to death.

Hydrocephalus affects puppies whose cerebrum does not close, resulting in a buildup of fluid inside the skull, which causes neurological problems.

Heart Valve Disease

It is when one or more valves do not function properly due to

  • malformation at birth,
  • infection,
  • rheumatic fever,
  • myocarditis (inflammation of the heart),
  • high blood pressure caused by renal failure/kidney dysfunction,
  • atherosclerosis (hardening arteries causing cardiovascular issues such as heart attack or stroke).

Heart Problems

The heart problem in Chihuahuas is usually arrhythmias, which is an abnormal heart rhythm. This can cause the dog to faint, have seizures, or generally not feel well.

Their heartbeat will be irregular with no identifiable cause.


Leptospirosis is a bacterial infection affecting many organs, most notably the liver and kidney. If left untreated, it can be fatal.

Leptospirosis is an infectious disease that can affect humans and animals through contact with urine or water. Tthe bacteria have contaminated the water.

Symptoms can be mild such as fever, headache, and muscle aches. But it can also become a more serious illness affecting the liver, kidneys, or central nervous system.

Collapsed Trachea

The collapsed trachea in Chihuahua is a condition where the windpipe (trachea) becomes narrowed. Simultaneously, this makes breathing difficult and often results in coughing spells.


Parvovirus is a virus that attacks the intestinal tract of dogs and can be deadly, especially to puppies who have not been vaccinated against it.


This highly contagious virus attacks the respiratory, gastrointestinal, and nervous systems. Accordingly, it is often fatal in puppies who have not been vaccinated against it.

Cardiovascular Disease

Heart problems are one of the dogs’ most common causes of death, and Chihuahuas are no exception. The most common type of heart disease in Chihuahuas is congestive heart failure. For this reason, Chihuahuas can accumulate fluid in the lungs making breathing difficult and eventually leading to death.


Hypoglycemia is when the blood sugar level drops to dangerously low levels. Thus, this can cause weakness, seizures, and death.


Molera is a condition where the skull doesn’t close properly. Similarly, this leaves an opening on the top of the head. This can be due to rapid bone growth, malnutrition, or injury.

Dental Disease

Untreated dental disease can cause serious health problems in dogs. This is because bacteria from the mouth can spread throughout the body. Furthermore, it can cause inflammation and infection in the liver, lungs, and heart.

Other Conditions

Other conditions can affect Chihuahuas, such as liver shunt, diabetes mellitus, and Cushing’s disease but are not as common as previously mentioned.

How To Prevent The Chihuahua Diseases?

The best way to prevent chihuahuas from getting these diseases is by practicing preventive measures such as regular checkups for their teeth, exercising them at least twice a day, and giving them high-quality food that does not contain any preservatives or additives (for example, sugars). Furthermore, you can also give your Chihuahua supplements like Greenies which help clean plaque off of their teeth.

Regular Vet Visit

It is important to take your Chihuahua in for regular visits with a veterinarian who will conduct various tests such as blood and urine analysis, fecal examinations, and diagnostics like x-rays and ultrasounds.

Feed High-Quality Food

Feeding your Chihuahua high-quality food is one of the best ways to keep them healthy. Look for a food that does not contain preservatives or additives (for example, sugars).


Chihuahuas need exercise, and it’s best if they get it twice a day. A short walk in the morning and another in the evening should be enough.


You can also give your Chihuahua supplements like Greenies. Thus, such things can help clean plaque off their teeth.

Avoid Allergic Foods

Some Chihuahuas are allergic to certain foods. So if you notice that your dog is always scratching or licking itself, it might be a good idea to try eliminating some of the most common allergens like wheat, soy, corn, dairy products, etc.

Have Your Dog Vaccinated

Having your Chihuahua vaccinated against the most common diseases like distemper, parvovirus, and rabies is important.

Puppies should get their first set of shots at around six weeks old. Then, follow up with additional vaccines every three to four weeks until they are sixteen weeks old. After that, they should continue getting booster shots annually.

Chihuahuas can suffer various health problems just like any other breed of dog. However, there are ways to prevent them from contracting the most common diseases like

  • intestinal tract problems,
  • cardiovascular disease,
  • hypoglycemia,
  • molera,
  • dental disease, and
  • other conditions that affect their liver shunt diabetes mellitus or Cushing’s disease.

What Are Some Treatment Options For The Diseases?

There are several diseases, conditions, and treatments that affect chihuahuas. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the most common ones and how you can prevent them from occurring.

First, one of the most common problems that chihuahuas face is intestinal tract issues. This can include things like diarrhea, constipation, and vomiting. However, there are a few ways to treat these problems.

Keep Chihuahua Hydrated

First, it is important to keep your Chihuahua properly hydrated because diarrhea can cause serious dehydration and vomiting and irritate the stomach lining, which might lead to pancreatitis. This means that you should always have ample clean water available for them at all times.

Furthermore, it would help if you also tried to give them electrolytes so they don’t get dehydrated but make sure not to give too much salt as this may worsen hypernatremia (a condition where there’s too much sodium in the blood). If none of those measures work, youu need to take your Chihuahua to see a vet immediately or visit an emergency clinic if their symptoms are severe enough.

Dental Chews

One way to help prevent dental disease is by regularly giving your Chihuahua dental chews.

Image Products For Chihuahua Link
Virbac C.E.T. Enzymatic Oral Hygiene Chews
Pedigree Dentastix Dental Dog Adult and Puppy Toy/Small Treats
WHIMZEES Natural Grain-Free Dental Dog Treats, Extra Small Brushes
OraVet Dental Hygiene Chews
Greenies Dental Dog Treats & Dog Chew


The standard treatment options are usually surgery or medication, depending on the severity of the disease/condition.

Surgery might be the best option if the disease/condition is severe.


In some cases, medication can also be used to treat diseases and conditions in Chihuahuas.

Homeopathic Remedies

Natural remedies can also treat or prevent conditions, such as Black Walnut for treating ear infections, garlic, and brewer’s yeast for dental health.

However, there have been some cases where treating it at home using natural remedies has worked very well (for example, Homeopathic Remedies).

Vet Visit

There’s much more information about Chihuahua’s diseases, but this summarizes most of them. If you want more comprehensive information, I recommend visiting a reliable vet that offers detailed explanations regarding these issues.

Emergency Clinic Visit

If your Chihuahua may have dental issues or become injured somehow, getting rimmed treatment is important so the,e issue doesn’t worsen over time. This could range from something simple to an emergency clinic for a dog with a broken leg.


This summarizes the most common diseases, conditions, and treatments that Chihuahuas experience. In addition, there are various ways to prevent them and treatment options if they do happen. Lastly, it is important to consult with your veterinarian to get more detailed information on these topics.

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