Does A Chihuahua Attack Its Owner?

Does A Chihuahua Attack Its Owner

Chihuahuas are a tiny breed of dog originating from Mexico. Chihuahuas have become among the most popular breeds in the United States and many other countries. The Chihuahua is known for being fierce and aggressive when protecting his family. However, not all cases involving a Chihuahua attacking its owner are a sign of aggression or want to protect its owner. Does a Chihuahua attack its owner? It is essential to know the answer to this question before adopting one.

The truth is that a Chihuahua does attack its owner, but not all of them do or all the time. They are very protective and territorial, and can cause them to attack their owner, especially if they feel that you or other people in your home are trespassing on what the dog believes to be his property.

Aggressive behavior often occurs when the person who has adopted the Chihuahua is not the primary owner. The dog will often view them as a trespasser and may try to attack. But sometimes, it even happens with the prior owner. If you own a Chihuahua and have never shown any signs of aggression before, there is no need for concern. 

This article will discuss training your Chihuahua not to attack or show affection when he feels threatened if provoked.

Does Chihuahua Attack Its Owner?

The Chihuahua does attack its owner, but the attack and aggression depend on various factors. These dogs are brilliant.

They are very sensitive and can sense your mood; they know what you want from them. These dogs understand how to behave around strangers and with other dogs.

These dogs are active and lively; they love running around open areas. But if you have a small house, it would be better to train your dog before letting him out of his cage. These dogs might start barking or show aggression if they get bored.

These dogs tend to show their affection through attack and aggression. It is the opposite for most breeds who love licking you, but there might be some exceptions.

Chihuahuas are very protective by nature. Hence, they become aggressive when they feel the situation is unsuitable for their owner.

Chihuahua dogs get attached to one person in particular, usually to the mother or father of the family. It happens when this person spends more time with them than others. They start feeling insecure if you do not pay much attention to them.

So, in a nutshell, chihuahua dogs become attached to their owners. And when they sense imminent danger, this is how your pup shows its affection by attacking the one who would or could harm you. But, of course, if it’s during puppyhood, there might be various other reasons too.

Chihuahua Attack

The Chihuahuas tend to show their affection in the form of an attack which is the opposite for most breeds who tend to show love by licking you.

Chihuahua Attack On Other Dogs

In most cases, if you have not trained your Chihuahua adequately, it might start showing aggression towards other dogs.

These small-sized dogs tend to pick fights with big and dangerous breeds, but there are also some exceptions where the smaller ones are intimidated by them.

Chihuahua Attack On Strangers

These dogs are vigilant, and even if they see a stranger. They will tend to bark at them or start showing aggression which can be dangerous for the person.

But this behavior depends on how you have trained your dog. Before starting the training sessions, you must clarify if you want them not to bark at strangers.

Chihuahua Attack On Owners

These dogs are very loyal and faithful towards their owners, but if they sense something wrong with their owners, like some aggressiveness or anger in them, there might be a chance that your dog will start showing aggression or even attack you.

Chihuahua Attack On Other Pets

These dogs tend to show their affection in the form of an attack, and if there are other pets around, it can also become hazardous for them.

So if you want your dog not to get aggressive towards other pets, ensure their training sessions are on the right track.

Why Chihuahua Attack?

As these dogs are brilliant, they know what you want from them. And if the training is not going as per your expectations, then there might be a chance that they will start showing aggression to make things clear. In most cases, this behavior occurs when the owner tries to discipline the dog for not obeying commands.

Depends On The Mood

Chihuahua dogs are sensitive and can sense your mood. They know what you want from them. They understand how to behave around strangers and with other dogs.

These dogs tend to show their affection through attack and aggression. It is the opposite for most breeds who love licking you.

But there might be some exceptions. Chihuahuas are incredibly loyal and protective; they love you unconditionally. When Chihuahuas attack their owner, it’s not for any wrong reasons but to bring your attention to them. For example, if the doorbell rings, it will bark at everything or try to show that someone is outside.

Intruder Alert

Chihuahuas might not be excellent guard dogs, but even a tiny bark can be very intimidating for the intruder when they want to protect you.

These small dogs look cute and cuddly when in reality, they are strong enough to defend themselves from various threats from strangers or intruders.

In addition, this breed is extremely loyal to its owner and thus will not hesitate to attack if it feels its owner is in danger.

Some people think they are adorable and cuddly. But when Chihuahuas attack their owners, it can get hazardous for the person.

In addition, these dogs aren’t always friendly with strangers or other animals (for example, they might not like your neighbor’s dog).

The best way to make sure that your Chihuahua is not going to attack a stranger or any other person, you can socialize them by taking them on walks and meeting new people.


Chihuahuas love their owners very much, but they are also highly possessive of their owners. These tiny dogs will never let anyone come between their bond with their owner.

If your Chihuahua is not showing any signs of aggression, then it means that the dog has a strong bond with its owner and will never let anything or anyone come between them.

They are highly loyal to their owners, so they will try to protect you if there is an intruder in the house, as these tiny dogs can be very intimidating.

Chihuahuas are highly loyal to their owners. So if they feel that the owner is in danger, these dogs can become very aggressive and attack dogs (for example, if a stranger attacks you, then your tiny Chihuahua might attack that person).

This behavior is not sudden or unprovoked, these dogs will always try to protect their owners, and in some cases, it can turn hazardous for both the people and the dog.

It’s up to us how we train our tiny dogs; if we socialize them properly, it will be easier for the dog to get along with other people or animals (for example, they can become very friendly).

Chihuahuas are incredibly loyal and protective towards their owners, so you should always ensure that your little one is not showing any signs of aggression.

Training Chihuahua

To make your dog understand what you want from them, you need to train them the right way. Before starting their training sessions, take help from a professional trainer or read some reliable articles on the internet about how to train these dogs. Since chihuahuas are tiny, they tend to be more energetic and hyperactive.

As mentioned earlier, Chihuahua is a dog that always protects its owner from strangers or other threats. But, still, it does not mean that if you have an aggressive chihuahua, he will attack somebody on his own because these dogs are amiable and affectionate towards their owners.

Whether you have a male or female Chihuahua, you must train them to understand right from wrong. The best time for training these dogs is when they have reached the age of six months because they are not mature enough to know what you want them to do before that age.

Chihuahua does attack their owner, but it is primarily because of their small size. In addition, they feel scared or threatened by strangers, so to protect themselves from the threat, chihuahuas tend to show aggressiveness and can be dangerous to other people.

How To Calm Down Your Chihuahua?

Chihuahuas are aggressive dogs naturally. Hence, you have to know a way to calm them down. If you are wondering how to calm down your Chihuahua, then here is a complete guide for you that will help you understand the ways through which these dogs can be calmed down and peaceful again:

Take Them Out On Walks

Make sure they stay active and get fresh air. Well, who won’t love an outing and greenery once in a while? Also, play with them outside. There are always games like tug-a-war, frisbee, etc. you can play with them.

Take Them To Places Where They Can Play And Run Around.

This will help build muscle strength in their little bodies while also helping you spend time with your dog. If possible, take care of other pets, such as cats or rodents like hamsters or gerbils, so your Chihuahua doesn’t feel lonely.

Take Them To A Dog Park.

Chihuahuas are amiable and social dogs, so they will have no problem playing around with other canines and humans, provided you introduce them properly into that environment. Just make sure the place is safe for your pet before taking him there. If it isn’t, then avoid going there.

Keep Them Away From Loud Noises.

Fireworks, firecrackers, and gunshots can be very scary for these tiny dogs, so limit their exposure to such things as much as possible.

They may seem harsh, but ensure you protect your little one by keeping him safe inside a room or closed space with some soothing music playing in the background.

Make Them Listen To Soothing Music.

There are many types of calming tunes that you can play for your little Chihuahua so he doesn’t get scared or feel threatened by any loud noises.

Some examples include classical, soft rock, new age, and even oldies but goldies songs they will most likely enjoy listening to.

Don’t Shout Or Show Signs Of Anger When They Are Having A Fit

Your Chihuahua might feel in a state where he cannot understand anything you are saying. So it’s best not to try and communicate with him at such times as this could put more pressure on your pet, making him even worse, more anxious, and agitated.

Train Them According To Their Breed’s Characteristics

Training your Chihuahua is one of the most important things you will need to do so they don’t turn out disobedient or aggressive later in life.

Make sure you start training him as soon as possible but keep it exciting and engaging for him at all times. You can find a range of tips and tricks on training your Chihuahua online or from experienced dog trainers to teach them effectively without traumatizing them with harsh training methods that could scare them away forever.


To conclude, we should say that Chihuahuas are very loyal and loving towards their owners. But they can also turn aggressive if you don’t train them properly or socialize them with other animals and people, so it is essential to take care of these small dogs. Taking your tiny dog for a walk or meeting new people regularly is not bad. It will socialize them and help you know more about your dog’s behaviors.

Chihuahuas are cute, cuddly little dogs, loyal, and even protective of their owners. Many people think that the attack is a way for them to show affection or protect you, but they are more likely thinking about themselves instead of the situation at hand.

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