Fleas In Chihuahuas: Treatment and Dangers

fleas in chihuahuas

Do you have a Chihuahua? If so, you should be very careful about fleas. Fleas can be very dangerous to Chihuahuas and can cause all sorts of health problems. In this blog post, we will discuss the dangers of fleas to Chihuahuas and how to protect your pet from them. We will also provide tips on treating an infestation if your dog gets bitten by fleas.

Fleas are a common problem for dogs, and Chihuahuas are no exception. They can cause a variety of health problems in dogs, including scratching, Bartonella Hensalae, Hemoplasmas, open wounds, and even the Bubonic Plague! Therefore, it is important to protect your Chihuahua from these dangerous pests. 

Things To Know About Fleas

Fleas can cause a variety of health problems in dogs, including scratching, Bartonella Hensalae, Hemoplasmas, open wounds, and even the Bubonic Plague! Therefore, it is important to protect your Chihuahua from these dangerous pests.

Some uncommon facts about fleas are:

  • The flea is one of the most common parasites in the world. They can be found in dogs, cats, birds, and humans.
  • Fleas are a particular problem for Chihuahuas because they live on their skin and can cause many health problems when ingested or left untreated.
  • Fleas lived roughly 100 million years ago during the Cretaceous epoch, according to prehistoric fossils.
  • In her lifespan, a single female can lay over 2,000 eggs.
  • The average flea bites its host hundreds of times per day. Thousands of bites every day if a Chihuahua gets just ten fleas!
  • Fleas prefer warmer temperatures, although they may survive in subzero conditions if necessary.
  • Moreover, fleas live for around three months until they die.
  • Fleas may rocket nearly 10 inches into the air because of their powerful rear legs, which is why they are so tough to catch on a small Chihuahua.

Why Are Fleas Dangerous To Chihuahuas?

The fleas can cause health problems in Chihuahuas, including scratching, Bartonella Hensalae, Hemoplasmas, open wounds, and even the Bubonic Plague!


Scratching is one of the most common health problems that fleas cause for dogs. It can be very painful and lead to rashes, infections, or even open sores on your dog’s body. Some people think scratching is just a nuisance, but it’s very dangerous.

Rickettsia Typhi:

Rickettsia Typhi causes a disease called typhus in dogs, which can be transmitted to humans through flea bites or contact with infected feces. The symptoms include fever, headache, chills, muscle aches as well as a rash on the trunk of your body (also known as “flea dirt”).

Bartonella Hensalae:

Bartonella Hensalae is another type of bacteria that lives in cats and rabbits. But it only affects Chihuahuas when fleas carrying these two types of bacteria bite them at once (indirect transmission).

This causes an infection called Cat Scratch Disease with symptoms such as fever, swelling around the eye, arm, or leg; headache; and fatigue.


Other types of bacteria can be transmitted to dogs through flea bites. While it doesn’t cause serious health problems for most dogs, it can be deadly for Chihuahuas. Hemoplasma infection symptoms include fever, appetite loss, weight loss, and lethargy.

Flea Tyhus :

Flea Tyhus is a disease caused by bacteria that live in fleas and are spread to dogs through bites.

This infection causes symptoms such as fever, vomiting, diarrhea with blood or mucus (also known as “flea dirt”), weight loss, lethargy, and depression. It can be deadly if left untreated because of the risk of dehydration from all those fluids being lost so quickly!

Bubonic Plague:

The Bubonic Plague is a very dangerous disease that was once common in Europe but is now rare. It is caused by the Yersinia pestis bacterium carried by fleas and other rodents. The symptoms include high fever, chills, muscle aches, and headache.

Open Wounds:

Fleas can also bite your dog’s skin. Thus, it can cause open wounds that become infected because they’re filled with bacteria from the flea’s mouthparts (called “flea dirt”). These bites hurt both humans and dogs. So it is important to take care of them immediately!

So always remember this rule when dealing with any wound on yourself or someone else around you!

It Might Infect You

If the flea bites a Chihuahua, it will make its way into your bloodstream, where it can cause an infection called Cat Scratch Disease or Typhus.

You can also get infected if you don’t wash your hands thoroughly enough or touch an area where there might be some germs lurking around waiting for their next victim. So always remember this rule when dealing with any wound on yourself or someone else around you!

Treating Your Chihuahua’s Fleas:

Treating your Chihuahua’s fleas can be a tricky one. First, you want to make sure that it’s not only effective but also safe for your pet. There are many different flea treatments, so we’ve listed some below with pros and cons attached.

Clean Sleeping Areas:

The first step is always the same – clean up their sleeping area! This includes removing bedding from cages (if applicable) or taking it outside to wash before putting back inside again after drying off completely on a warm sunny day.

It also means vacuuming any carpeted areas where your Chihuahua might be spending time during the day, such as in front of televisions/computers when they’re not actively watching TV shows or playing games, etcetera.

This means washing their bedding regularly in hot water and using a vacuum cleaner to eliminate any stray fleas or eggs lurking around.

Wash Them Using Warm Water:

It’s also important to wash your dog with warm water because this will help kill any fleas on its body. Then, just use a regular dog shampoo, and be sure to rinse them off completely afterward!

Don’t Just Use Any Dog Shampoo:

If you’re looking for something that won’t irritate your pet’s skin too much, then consider using a natural shampoo like this one made by Earthbath. It contains oatmeal to relieve itching and redness caused by flea bites!

Some people think that just using any old dog shampoo will do the trick to getting rid of fleas, but this isn’t true!

Flea Treatments:

There are many different treatments, but these two seem popular among owners with Chihuahuas; Frontline Plus (it kills adult fleas) or Advantage II (kills larvae).

Both products claim they’ll last up to 30 days before needing another application, so ensure your pooch stays protected all summer long! If you want more information about them, check out our article on how long it takes for frontline plus work.

There are several different flea treatments that you can buy from your local pet store, but the most common ones are sprays and powders.

Spray Bottle With A Mixture Of Vinegar And Water:

The easiest way to treat your dog for fleas is by using a spray bottle filled with a mixture of vinegar and water. Just spritz them directly on their skin and cover all the areas where you can see them scratching. The vinegar will kill fleas on contact, while the water will help flush them out of their fur.

Powder Treatment:

Another option is to use a powder treatment which you can sprinkle on their bedding or coat. Be sure not to get any on their eyes because this could cause irritation or an allergic reaction!


There are many things to know about fleas. One of the most important things is that they can be very dangerous for Chihuahuas if you don’t take care of them properly. Make sure you treat your Chihuahua immediately after you see tick infestation.

Fleas are a common problem for dogs, especially when there is more humidity in the air. You should take steps to protect your pet from these dangerous parasites by regularly keeping them on their flea medication and vacuuming regularly!

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