How To Get Chihuahua To Stop Biting?

How To Get Chihuahua To Stop Biting

Chihuahuas are a very popular dog breed, but it doesn’t come without some downsides. One of the most annoying behaviors is when they chew on stuff! It’s hard to believe that these tiny dogs can be so strong-willed and persistent in their biting ways! But why do Chihuahua bite? There are many reasons, such as teething, being over-excited, and playing with you, or Chihuahua may be in pain or have a health issue. So, taking them to a vet is essential if they are constantly biting. Now, How To Get Chihuahua To Stop Biting?

When it comes to getting Chihuahua to Stop biting, you mustn’t punish your dog. Instead, you can use distraction to stop biting or socializing your Chihuahua. As a result, they will get more comfortable around you and will not feel the need to bite all of a sudden! Schedule several activities, avoid punishment, and go for positive reinforcement training with rewards instead of scolding them every time they do something wrong.

You can do many things when your Chihuahuas start chewing on stuff! For example, you could try using a toy to play with them. If you are playing, make sure they are chewing on the toy and not your fingers! You could also try giving them tasty treats when they chew on something other than stuff.

Read this article for tips on how to get your Chihuahua to calm down and stop biting. And find out more about what might cause them to act aggressively towards you, other people, or even objects.

Are Chihuahuas Aggressive?

Chihuahuas are one of the most aggressive dog breeds. They are also notorious for chewing on things, especially when teething. If you have a Chihuahua that is biting and chewing excessively, there are some things you can do to help stop them from doing so.

When they are teething, they will seek out things to chew on. Chihuahuas might even start chewing up your shoes or furniture. So, you should provide them with other alternatives. These dogs are even famous for their attacks.

Chihuahuas will attack you to show their aggression and frustration. Try to communicate with them, or else these Chihuahuas dogs will start attacking any human being around them.

Are Chihuahuas Aggressive Enough To Bite?

Most Chihuahuas are typically an aggressive breed, and there is always the potential for any dog to bite. Reasons a Chihuahua may bite include fear, pain, anger, territoriality, or guarding behavior.

If you have a question about whether or not your particular Chihuahua might be prone to biting, it is best to ask your veterinarian.

How Can I Stop My Chihuahua From Biting?

You can do several things to help stop your Chihuahua from biting.

Positive Reinforcement

First and foremost, be sure to provide plenty of positive reinforcement when they do not bite- such as treats, petting, and verbal praise.

If your Chihuahua is biting out of fear or anxiety, you may also want to consider enrolling in a training class specializing in helping dogs with these issues.

Be sure to provide plenty of positive reinforcement whenever they do something you like- such as laying down on their bed, chewing a toy instead of furniture, etc. It will help teach Chihuahua to reward good behaviors with praise and attention.

Consult With A Veterinarian

If your Chihuahua is biting out of pain, you will need to consult with a veterinarian before starting any training or behavior modification program. If necessary, they may also recommend some medication that can help reduce the dog’s aggression.


It is also important to remember that Chihuahuas need plenty of socialization to feel comfortable around other people and pets.

If your dog does not have any experience with other dogs or children, it may be best to start slow by introducing them one at a time. Chihuahuas might even put their paw on you whenever they are happy, and around people and pets, he likes.


Another way to help stop your Chihuahua from biting is to provide plenty of distractions. It could include giving them toys to chew on, taking them for walks, or playing games with them.

Sometimes, biting is the sign of sadness in Chihuahua. Proper distraction like chew toys, frisbee, tug-a-war, squeaky balls, etc. will make Chihuahua happy.

Avoid Punishment

Punishing your Chihuahua for biting will only serve to make them more anxious and likely to bite again in the future. Try not to give your dog any attention when biting, as this will only reinforce the behavior.


You will want to start training your Chihuahua as soon as possible to ensure that they understand what is and isn’t appropriate behavior. You can sign up for several different programs, such as the Association Of Professional Dog Trainers.

Why Do Chihuahuas Bite?

Chihuahuas can be very willful and persistent when biting – usually because they are trying to get attention from their owners. Trust me; if you have an adult dog, you are lucky because Chihuahua puppies do bite a lot more than adult ones.

Chihuahua puppies are way more aggressive too. Hence, you might have to put lot of work on calming your dog if he is still a puppy.

There are many reasons why your Chihuahua may bite, including:

  • Boredom or loneliness
  • Fear or anxiety
  • Excitement or anger
  • Pain or discomfort

If your Chihuahua is biting for attention, the best way to train them out of it is to ignore them when they bite entirely. Do not look at them, speak to them, pet them, or give them anything – even a treat.

If your Chihuahuas are anxious or afraid, you can sometimes solve this with the use of a Thundershirt. The Thundershirt provides gentle, constant pressure to calm and relax your pet during stressful situations.

Chihuahuas who bite as part of playtime will need more extensive training. Ensure that your pet is getting plenty of exercises and mental stimulation, as this will help them burn off excess energy, making them less likely to bite out of boredom or frustration.

At What Age Will A Chihuahua Stop Biting?

The average age at which Chihuahuas typically stop biting is around one year old. However, this can vary depending on the individual dog.

Teething is the main reason why your dog will run around and chew on everything. Puppies start teething at about three months old and will continue to lose baby teeth until they are six months old.

During this time, it is vital to provide your puppy with plenty of appropriate chew toys so that they don’t gnaw on your furniture or other belongings.

Your Chihuahuas have various ways of showing their love for you, so try to understand and differentiate their love and angry bites.

When Do Chihuahuas Stop Chewing?

Chihuahuas typically stop chewing items they shouldn’t look at around six months of age. But, again, this varies from dog to dog. And it would help if you did not use it as a hard and fast rule.

If your Chihuahua is still chewing on items after this age, you may want to try and find out why and possibly bring in an expert.

Most chihuahuas will stop biting and chewing on things as they get older. However, there are some things you can do to help speed up the process.

First, reward your dog when it does not chew on anything inappropriate and provide plenty of toys and treats that it is allowed to chew on.

If your dog still has trouble biting and chewing, you may want to consult a professional dog trainer to help correct the behavior.


Chihuahuas often stop biting between one to two years of age. But sometimes, it can last longer, depending on the dog’s personality traits. If they are still showing signs of aggression when biting by six months old, it is best to consult with a professional. Has a veterinarian seen your dog if you’re concerned about any other biting-related behavior issues? Provide positive reinforcement when they are not exhibiting this type of behavior. It will help ensure that they do not revert to their bad habits in the future.

Thanks for reading!

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