Are Chihuahuas Aggressive? Find Out Why!

Are Chihuahuas Aggressive

Chihuahuas are a type of dog breed known to be one of the smallest in the world. They can weigh as little as 2 pounds and be anywhere from 6 inches to 12 inches tall. Many people worldwide have this breed because they’re small enough for apartment living but still big enough to provide companionship for their owners. However, with such a tiny size comes certain drawbacks. But what about Aggression? Are Chihuahuas aggressive?

Yes, Chihuahuas are one of the most aggressive dogs you will ever encounter. But this doesn’t mean they don’t have their good points. The reasons behind the aggression in Chihuahuas are usually the same as any other aggressive dog.

Several factors can cause them: Being left alone for too long. You can see this in Chihuahuas that don’t have enough human interaction or attention from their owner. These dogs become frightened and stressed if they’re not around people often enough, which leads to them becoming aggressive.

This article will talk about why Chihuahuas get aggressive and how to deal with it when it happens!

Are Chihuahuas Aggressive?

Yes, Chihuahuas are aggressive. However, they are one of the very few dogs that will show aggression after just a couple of days. Their breeding makes them very nervous and defensive.

So, you can keep them away from other animals or people who might scare them. Chihuahuas are not the best choice for first-time dog owners, as it can take weeks before you see any behavior change in your new pet.

Why Do Chihuahuas Get Aggressive?

They get aggressive because they are very nervous and anxious dogs. It means that sometimes even the slightest noise, movement, or person can scare them enough to make them negatively display their feelings.

I will list down some of the common reasons why your chihuahuas might get aggressive all of a sudden:

Too Much Attention

If you are giving your Chihuahua too much attention, they are very nervous and anxious. Chihuahuas need a lot of mental stimulation to keep their minds busy, so they do not easily get bored or stressed out.

Chihuahua dogs tend to get very attached and dependent on their owners. Hence, they will probably start behaving aggressively if you shower them with too much of your time and affection.

In addition, your little pup will not like sharing you with anyone and anything else, including other pets in the house or even strangers.

Not Enough Exercise

Chihuahuas love to exercise. This can affect their behavior if you aren’t taking them on enough walks or playing with them.

They might become aggressive due to pent-up energy inside them that needs release. For example, a tired dog who has been cooped up inside the house or in a crate all day long.

If you have not given them enough exercise to burn off their excess energy are likely to become aggressive. There is a thin chance that your Chihuahuas will chew your shoes out of aggression. Mostly, chewing is due to teething and boredom.

Poor Socialization With Animals Or People

It is essential for Chihuahuas because they are such a nervous and anxious breed of dog. If you do not take the time to socialize your Chihuahua properly (with other dogs and people), it can make them very fearful and shy, leading to negative behavior.

If your Chihuahua does not get used to being around other dogs, cats, children, etc., this lack of exposure might make him aggressive.

Exposure To A New Environment

If you are moving, or if your Chihuahua is new in your home (or apartment), this may affect their mental state enough to cause changes in how they act towards other people or animals around them. In addition, it takes some time for your Chihuahua to get used to the new environment.

A Chihuahua can get aggressive if you take it out of his comfort zone or environment where he feels safe and secure, like home, yard, etc.

He will not display this behavior inside the house because it is an area that makes him feel comfortable. Hence, when you bring them outside- like in a new place or environment, he might get anxious and aggressive.

Lack Of Mental Stimulation

Chihuahuas are brilliant dogs that need a lot of mental stimulation, or else they might become bored, stressed out, and even depressed! Unfortunately, this can lead them to act negatively, barking excessively, chewing on things around the house, or even trying to escape the home.

Chihuahuas are active little dogs who need lots of physical exercises and mental training. If you do not provide your Chihuahua enough attention, like playing with him, taking him out for walks, etc., then the dog might show aggressive behavior to get your attention.

Territorial Nature

Chihuahuas are very territorial animals by nature. They will be more aggressive if someone enters their area without permission (or tries to enter). Chihuahuas like having a lot of personal space and don’t like it when others invade it.

A chihuahua’s territory is his home, and he will protect it from any intruder, even if that means hurting or scaring you in the process!

Chihuahuas are naturally fearful of strangers, making them act aggressively towards other people. However, you can minimize it by training your dog from a very young age to accept guests and family members that come into the house frequently.

Fearful, Shy Dog Breed Or Individual Dog Personality Type

Chihuahuas are very nervous and anxious animals by nature. They will not be the best choice for first-time dog owners or people who have never owned a pet before in their entire life.

It can also mean that you should only get one if you have a lot of experience with dogs and always know what they think or feel.

Pain In Certain Body Parts Like Joints And Bones

Chihuahuas are very picky about the type of painkillers that they take to help them deal with their problems. So always ask your vet for advice when it comes to this.

Chihuahuas are fragile due to their small size. But you can observe them displaying aggressive behaviors when under pain or discomfort.

Stress From Being Left Alone For Too Long

Chihuahuas love socialization. Hence, they become lonely and depressed when left alone for too long. It can make them act out in negative ways like barking, chewing on things around the house, or even trying to escape the home (to find you).

Chihuahuas are very social animals and do not like you abandoning or leaving them alone. Hence, when they feel lonely, these tiny dogs become aggressive. It is one of the most common reasons why Chihuahuas get aggressive.

Food Allergies

Some chihuahuas may be allergic to certain types of food, which can cause them distress and discomfort. Always check with your veterinarian about the best kind of dog food for your pet before you decide on one.

Like humans, dogs can also be allergic to certain types of food. Nowadays, many vets prescribe special diets to Chihuahuas suffering from food allergies or intolerances for their pets.

How To Understand Aggression In Chihuahuas?

Chihuahua aggression is something that both prospective Chihuahua owners and experienced ones think about before bringing a tiny dog into their homes.

Understanding aggression in Chihuahuas is not always an easy task. They are generally and naturally aggressive dog breeds. Hence, there are no specific reasons behind the anger or aggression these chihuahuas carry most of the time.

However, suppose you observe well and think deeply about what your little friend might exhibit as aggressive behaviors. In that case, there are possibilities that a few specific things cause aggression.

How To Resolve Aggressive Behaviors In Chihuahuas?

Well, I will not give you any false hope. Clearly, Chihuahua is naturally aggressive, and we cannot do anything about it. However, we can take specific measures to make them, at the very least human-friendly.

To resolve Chihuahua aggression, we must understand our pets and try to give them the space they need. If your dog exhibits aggressive behavior towards strangers or other dogs, then do not force him into their presence.

On the contrary, if you think he might be afraid of some people or animals, ensure you are always with him and give him the company he needs.

Now, let me list out some of the training that will help you to tone down the aggressive nature of the Chihuahua:

Leash Training

Here, you must train your dog to walk with a leash attached. Unfortunately, Chihuahuas are not known for their patience, and they quickly get irritated when someone tries controlling them in any way.

Command Training

Once the Chihuahua learns how to walk on a leash, training him for fundamental commands like sit, stay, etc., will be a piece of cake.

Positive Reinforcement Training

It is by far the most crucial training to teach your dog anything. Dogs are not good at understanding humans and take a lot of time responding to or following our orders/commands. Hence, you must use positive reinforcement to train them for actions like walking on a leash or giving a high five.

This kind of training can help you better understand your Chihuahua’s behavior by letting them know that aggression is never acceptable with a human family.

Desensitization Training

As I have already mentioned, Chihuahuas are naturally aggressive and rarely change their mind regarding any kind of aggression/anger issues in dogs. Hence, desensitizing your dog is the best way of resolving these behavioral problems in Chihuahuas.

The best way of desensitizing your dog is by exposing him to the stimulus that causes aggression and showing no fear towards it.

Once he gets used to this, you can go ahead with reducing the level of stimulus gradually. You can do this until there is no more anger or agitation seen from his side when exposed to such a stimulus.

It is a helpful kind of training that helps the dog get accustomed to something it fears to overcome its fear and anxiety. This training includes exposing the dog to certain stimuli it fears slowly so as not to scare or harm the Chihuahua.


Now, I will conclude this article by giving a few last pieces of advice: Do not make your Chihuahua aggressive/angry in any way, as it can prove to be very harmful to you and the little pup. Always give him ample time so his mind stays occupied with good things, not negative thoughts. Then, do the training mentioned above at least thrice a week to resolve Chihuahua aggression in no time.

If you think your dog is getting aggressive due to medical reasons, it would be best if he sees a vet. You need to do it soon before things get out of hand for everyone involved with this little buddy.

Thanks for reading, and I hope this blog post was helpful to you in resolving Chihuahua aggression. Bye!

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