How To Clean Chihuahua Ears?

How To Clean Chihuahua Ears?

Whether humans or pets, hygiene is one of their most important aspects. If you’re a Chihuahua parent, then you know that they get dirty pretty easily. No matter how much love you give your dog, it won’t be complete without proper cleanliness and hygiene maintenance. The first step for maintaining good health is to clean their ears regularly. But how to clean your Chihuahua ears?

You can clean Chihuahua ears using warm water, Q-tips, and cotton balls or use ear cleaner for dogs if you wish to. You need to clean the outer areas of your dog’s ears first and move to their inner ears using a Q-tip. Just be very careful while doing so, and do not insert the Q-tip too deep inside the ear.

Although ear cleaning is easy, you must do it properly to avoid infection or injury. In this post, we will give you some heads up on ear cleaning for Chihuahua.

Why Should You Clean Chihuahua Ears?

We often overlook the fact that to keep chihuahua clean; you need to clean their ears as well. Most of us don’t think about our Chihuahua’s ears until there is a serious problem.

But, if you want to avoid medical emergencies, regular ear cleaning can prevent infections, reduce inflammation and help keep your Chi’s hearing as acute as possible throughout their lives.

Some of the reasons for cleaning your Chihuahua’s ears include:

Preventing Infections

One of the most important reasons to clean your Chihuahua’s ears is to prevent infections. Unclean ears are a perfect breeding ground for bacteria and fungus, which can cause serious health problems in your dog.

Keeping The Ears Healthy

In addition to preventing infection, regularly cleaning your Chihuahua’s ears will help keep the ears healthy. The ear canal is lined with skin, and a small amount of wax is produced by glands in the ear to moisturize it. Keeping this area clean will help prevent infection and other problems such as inflammation or itching.

Removing Wax and Dirt:

The other main reason to clean your Chihuahua’s ears is to remove wax and dirt. Over time, this accumulation can lead to a buildup of earwax, which will muffle your dog’s hearing and may also cause odor. It can also be a breeding ground for bacteria and fungi.

Reducing Inflammation:

Another reason to clean your Chihuahua’s ears regularly is to reduce inflammation. The ear canal produces a small amount of wax that protects the inner ear from moisture and debris.

However, an excessive buildup of this wax in the ear canal can cause irritation, itching, or even infection. It also can silence your dog’s hearing and cause an unpleasant odor.

What Are The Common Ear Infections In Chihuahua?

Because of Chihuahua’s ears’ playful nature and anatomy, you should be aware of a few common ear infections. Such as:

Otitis Externa

Otitis external, ear inflammation, or infection of the external ear. It is a common inflammatory condition in dogs that affects their ears, and it can be caused by many factors such as allergies, bacterial infections, and so on.

If you suspect that your Chihuahua has an ear infection, then take him to the vet as soon as possible for a diagnosis and treatment.

  • The most common symptoms of otitis externa in dogs are:
  • Scratching or rubbing their ears
  • Redness and inflammation of the ear canal
  • Discharge from the ear (which can be thick, pus-like, and smelly)
  • Crusting and scaling of the ear canal skin

Otitis media

Otitis media is an infection of the middle ear. It is a less common infection in dogs, but it can still occur, particularly if your Chihuahua has long or floppy ears that tend to trap moisture and debris.

The symptoms of otitis media in dogs are similar to otitis external, but because the infection is located deeper within the ear, it can be harder for your dog to reach and scratch.

Otitis media is a serious condition that, if left untreated, can lead to permanent hearing loss or even deafness. So, you should always seek veterinary treatment at the first sign of symptoms.

Otitis Interna

Otitis interna is an infection of the inner ear. The symptoms of otitis interna are very similar to otitis externa and otitis media. Still, it can be harder for your dog to reach and scratch because the infection is located deeper within the ear.

Otitis interna is a serious condition that, if left untreated, can lead to permanent hearing loss or even deafness, so you should always seek veterinary treatment at the first sign of symptoms.

Chihuahua Ear Mites

Ear mites are tiny parasites that live on the surface of your dog’s skin and ear canal, and they can cause various irritating symptoms, including scratching, head shaking, and reddened skin.

In addition, ear mites are very contagious and can quickly spread from dog to dog, so if you think your Chihuahua might have them, then it’s important to get him treated as soon as possible.

How Often Should You Clean Your Chihuahua Ears?

Because the ears of a Chihuahua are very sensitive, you should clean them at least once a week. If your dog has dry or flaky skin in its ear, clean it more often. These conditions can lead to infection if not cleaned properly and cared for on time. 

You can also check whether there is any sign of infection in the ear if your dog keeps shaking its head or if you notice a foul odor. When checking for any sign of infection, ensure that you do it gently and carefully so as not to hurt your dog.

The best time to clean the ears is after bathing, as they are softer at this point, making them easy to clean without hurting your Chihuahua.

Tools For Chihuahua Ear Cleaning

Having the right tools always makes the job a lot easier. The most important tool that you need is a good dog ear cleaner. Here’s my favorite one: 

  • Ear Cleanser for Dogs
  • Q-tips are also helpful in cleaning the dirt and debris from inside the ear canal.
  • Ear Wipes
  • Ear Powder for Dogs
  • Cotton Pads and Balls

Towels or Paper Towels (to clean up your dog’s ears and keep the mess at a minimum)

How To Clean Chihuahua Ears?

All chihuahuas tend to develop ear infections as their ears are so long and narrow, causing them to get hot and sweaty easily in the summer months. It would help if you took care of your pet by cleaning her ears regularly as part of her grooming routine.

Therefore, here are some steps for cleaning your Chihuahua’s ears:

Step One: Ensure You Have All The Necessary Supplies

Before you start, be sure to gather all the necessary supplies: a bowl of warm water, cotton balls or Q-tips, an ear cleaning solution (either over the counter or prescribed by your vet), and a towel.

Step Two: Make Your Chihuahua Comfortable

The next step is to make your Chihuahua comfortable. You can do this by making her sit on your lap or asking someone to hold her lovingly yet firmly. You want her to be as still as possible so that the cleaning process is easy and painless.

Step Three: Wet The Ears And Apply Ear Cleaning Solution

Wet your Chihuahua’s ears with warm water, and then apply a small amount of the ear cleaning solution to each cotton ball or Q-tip.

Step Four: Clean the Ear Canal

Gently clean out any dirt or debris that might have accumulated in your Chihuahua’s ear canal using cotton balls or Q-tips.

You can also use them to wipe away any excess solution from around her ears and face area. If there is excessive wax buildup, you may need to repeat this process several times until all of it has been removed.

Step Five: Clean Out the Outer Ear

Be sure not to get any water or solution into your Chihuahua’s outer ear canal while cleaning out the other areas mentioned above, as that could irritate her skin and cause an infection. Instead, use a dry cotton ball or Q-tip to wipe away excess moisture.

Step Six: Dry Her Ears and Give Her Some Praise

Once you finish cleaning her ears, remove any excess solution with a dry towel and then let her shake her head to get rid of any water droplets.

Your Chihuahua’s ears should now be clean and free from infection. Also, give her lots of praise for being such a good pup!

Remember to clean your Chihuahua’s ears regularly as part of her grooming routine to keep her healthy and happy!

What Not To Do When You Clean Chihuahua Ears?

Some owners unknowingly follow dangerous advice when cleaning the ears of their chihuahuas. Instead, cleaning these practices will lead to infections and may even cause serious hearing problems.

Here are some tips on what NOT TO DO:

  • Do not use eardrops without the advice of your veterinarian. It can cause infections and even hearing problems in chihuahuas. It’s better to be safe than sorry, so before using anything on your dog’s ears, consult with a professional first!
  • Do not leave water inside the ear canal for long periods (more than 30 minutes). It can cause ear infections if left for longer periods.
  • Never stick cotton balls, paper towels, or any other material inside the ear canal to clean your Chihuahua’s ears. It can lead to serious hearing problems and infection in the future.
  • Never use harsh chemicals like bleach or vinegar on the Chihuahua’s ears. These things are too strong and could cause burns if they touch your dog’s skin.
  • Do not use hydrogen peroxide or alcohol to clean the ears of your Chihuahua, as they will burn the skin and cause infections. Instead, choose a gentler solution such as olive oil or coconut oil for cleaning purposes only!

Some Tips For Cleaning Chihuahua Ears:

You can make your Chihuahua’s ear cleaning a fun experience by following certain tips:

  • Make sure you use a suitable size cleaning probe or Q-tip to not push too far into the ear canal.
  • Gently clean around the outer edge of the ear first, and then work your way inwards.
  • Use a cotton ball or swab dipped in warm water to clean the inside of your Chihuahua’s ears.
  • Use the correct equipment for cleaning your dog’s ears. For example, it would help if you did not use a cotton swab or a Q-tip to clean the inside of your dog’s ear canal.
  • Make schedules for cleaning your dog’s ears. For example, cleaning your dog’s ears two or three times per week is recommended.
  • Use a soft tone and words when cleaning your dog’s ears. It will help reduce any fear or anxiety that your pet may feel.
  • You can make this process more fun by giving him treats after cleaning each ear (or at least one).


In conclusion, cleaning your Chihuahua’s ears is crucial to their overall health and hygiene. Not only will it help keep their ears clean and healthy, but it will also help prevent any potential infections or problems from arising. You can easily clean your Chihuahua’s ears and keep them healthy and happy by following these simple steps!

I hope you find this article useful. I am happy to answer any questions or receive feedback on your own experiences with cleaning Chihuahua ears. Just drop me a note in the comment section below.

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